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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am looking for a good Canadian online gear store.. or a store that wont cash me an arm and leg to ship to canada any ideas?

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I'm pretty sure that these guys are based in the US. The UPS shipping will cost you that arm and leg you were referring to.

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i don't know about hockey galore but "thehockeyshop" which store is the largest in B.C and has the best selection is also one of the highest in prices... i wouldn't shop there for any of the big stuff... just some of the little stuff if i need it right away like tape or pads cause they are always a rip off. don't even ask how much they sell their wheels for... 2x the price at least!

If you buy your stuff from http://www.hockeybranch.com they will give you free shipping to canada which is a big plus B)

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Hockey Branch ships via UPS to Canada, while its true they offer free shipping the brokerage fees will kill you. I got a $30 brokerage fee for my skates a few months back

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Does anyone here know of an online store that sells p106 Bauer XV blades that is based in canada?

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are american or canadian shops cheaper for europeans ? or is it the same ? i mean the euro is kinda good at the moment so you can make some good deals from here.

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american stores all the way! the prices are always WAY to high for stuff over here in canada. All my major stuff has to be from the US and i still save even after paying customs. just because we live in canada these stupid stores think we'll be willing to pay anything for hockey gear. the worse is wheels!!!!! it's $69 canadian for 4 rink rat hot shot pro wheels up here, yes hot shots NOT hornets cause they don't even carry them over here. that is TWICE the price! :huh: it must take a cold COLD heart to look at someone in a straight face when selling people hockey wheels up here. :( i always get people how come into the dressing room bragging about how they just spend $80 on a set (8) new wheels that i know i can get for less then $30 and are total junk. if i ever won the lotto i'll open up my own store and put these guys out of business! :angry:

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american stores all the way! the prices are always WAY to high for stuff over here in canada. All my major stuff has to be from the US and i still save even after paying customs. just because we live in canada these stupid stores think we'll be willing to pay anything for hockey gear. the worse is wheels!!!!! it's $69 canadian for 4 rink rat hot shot pro wheels up here, yes hot shots NOT hornets cause they don't even carry them over here. that is TWICE the price! :huh: it must take a cold COLD heart to look at someone in a straight face when selling people hockey wheels up here. :( i always get people how come into the dressing room bragging about how they just spend $80 on a set (8) new wheels that i know i can get for less then $30 and are total junk. if i ever won the lotto i'll open up my own store and put these guys out of business! :angry:

i agree with you %100! i was looking around at www.hockeygalore.ca and response rubbers where on SALE for $201CAD. thats the biggest rip off ever. at my LHS they were one sale of like $110.

I really want to try a XN10 but here they are still $299.OH but they have a pro-stock one on sale for $279 <_<. Talk about overpriced.

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What's funny about the two of you saying "buy in the states" is I have Canadian friends who swear it's cheaper in Canada, so they always buy hockey equipment whenever they go home.

I think it may depend on what the exchange rate is at the time of the purchase.

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What's funny about the two of you saying "buy in the states" is I have Canadian friends who swear it's cheaper in Canada, so they always buy hockey equipment whenever they go home.

I think it may depend on what the exchange rate is at the time of the purchase.

If we buy up north we get a tax refund at the border. Otherwise, the great deals are mostly on old closeout stuff. I have people come in the shop all the time bragging about the great deals they got in Canada and 80% of the time it's a model that has been discontinued for at least 3 years. Of course most of those guys think it's just fine to have their 8 year old use a 100 flex shaft cut in half so they get two sticks for the price of one.

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yeah the canadian dollar is to high right now even though we do have a few loyal americans who come up here twice a year for skates and stuff. they dont care much about paying abit more just because they know the service there getting. I agree it sucks for us becaus shops in windsor can get both pricing lists which is much cheaper then the pricing lists we get.

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american stores all the way! the prices are always WAY to high for stuff over here in canada. All my major stuff has to be from the US and i still save even after paying customs. just because we live in canada these stupid stores think we'll be willing to pay anything for hockey gear. the worse is wheels!!!!! it's $69 canadian for 4 rink rat hot shot pro wheels up here, yes hot shots NOT hornets cause they don't even carry them over here. that is TWICE the price! :angry: it must take a cold COLD heart to look at someone in a straight face when selling people hockey wheels up here. :( i always get people how come into the dressing room bragging about how they just spend $80 on a set (8) new wheels that i know i can get for less then $30 and are total junk. if i ever won the lotto i'll open up my own store and put these guys out of business! :angry:

Go ahead and open the shop in Canada but you're going to find that you end up paying the same price the other Canadian retailers pay and you can't stay in business without charging the same prices. You can thank your government and their tariffs for that. If you're buying new gear, the shops shouldn'tt be shipping it across the border according to the terms of most manufacturers.

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what about greatskate are they any good?

I don't believe Great Skate ships to Canada. It is quite interesting how each online store has contracts with hockey companies about where they can ship. For example, Epuck can't cheap Bauer hockey equipment to Canada now, but it was able to do so last year. For Great Skate, I think they don't cheap to Canada in general, I could be wrong, but I was informed by Great Skate a year ago that they don't ship to Canada.

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Whats up with all these tariffs and stuff ? I thought Canada and the U.S. were supposed to have a free trade agreement.

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Whats up with all these tariffs and stuff ? I thought Canada and the U.S. were supposed to have a free trade agreement.

The NAFTA treaty (?) takes effect in 2009 I believe, which will completely elimate tariffs in NA. Up until then they are being gradually phased out.

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