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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cutting An Intermediate Synergy

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Basically i just broke a few sticks and im in need of a backup... i have this intermediate synergy just laying around and im hoping to put a synthesis blade in it. Also im pretty sure intermediate shafts hold senior blades. However the thickness of the INT synergy is the same as the junior sticks. So what size blade should i use if i want to use a hybrid synthesis, and where do i cut? (i dont just wanna flip it over)

any help would be great. thanks

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i'm not sure were to cut it, but if u dont wanna flip it around u have to us a hyrib synthesis, composite synthesis or any standard junoir blade.

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yes but in his post he says hes sure a sr.blade will fit into an int. shaft. i was just letting him know what blade.

That's true of standard shafts but not most tapered shafts.

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but he was talking about cutting the int. and not wanting to flip it over, if he was to flip it over a sr blade may fit if he shaved abit and a jr. would be abit sloppy.

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