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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting the most out of skates

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whats bad for skates? how can i make them last as lnog as possible? i take the insoles out and air them out after every skate. is leavin gthem in the trunk of a car on a hot day bad? is having them in a hot room bad? is there any more things i can do to make them last longer ,anything i shouldnt do? thanks ,as you can probably tell i have vapor 30s and i love them and they gotta last a year and well we all know the vapor lines main problem ,durability.

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I heard wearing thick socks can contribute to taking the life out of your skates? I don't know where but I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.. Also after every game/skate, I dry it at the arena but when I come home I dry it again to make sure it's dry, take the insoles out and hang them upside down in my garage on my "skate rack".

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Make sure they fit properly.

theyre almost too small and theyve been heat molded ,they foot like a sock. speaking of socks i wear normal everyday great socks but im gonna try wearing reeeal thin ones or maybe go barefoot ,would that help?

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Be careful with barefoot, some people say (and rightly so) there are serious health hazards with it. I go barefoot, but just a heads up. I like to stone my blades after every skate.

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Thats fine, stoning should still help. You may want to go to a shallow hollow if you like your skates after 3-4 skates. Won't hurt or help durability, but may change your mind on "sharp" skates.

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A tighter fit will increase the life of your skates... they won't break down prematurely from being too big.

While skating barefoot makes your skates smell worse, and may increase the chance of bacteria growing, as long as you air your skates out regularly (taking out the insoles helps even more) and get your skates cleaned (Esporta, SaniSport, wintergreen rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, etc.) every now and then, you should be fine. And from what I've heard, the Vapor XXXs are supposed to be more durable than the previous model... but only time will tell there.

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i like the feal of skates after like 3/4 icetimes ,i hate freshly sharpened skates

Do you know what hollow you use right now Bruin?, and I find the best way to take care of your skates is to make sure they fit good and air them out every time you skate. Also make sure you pull out and not up when tying your skates.

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i like the feal of skates after like 3/4 icetimes ,i hate freshly sharpened skates

Then you should probably be using a more shallow hollow. I actually stone my skates before every game just to make sure my edges are consistant.

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well i used m 13 t blades and the guy sharpens them that way for me so i guess its a medium hollow ,i left the skates in the trunk for a few hours yesterday and it was about 20 deegrees would it have hurt anything?

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well i used m 13 t blades and the guy sharpens them that way for me so i guess its a medium hollow ,i left the skates in the trunk for a few hours yesterday and it was about 20 deegrees would it have hurt anything?

it's not a medium hollow. It's a 13mm hollow.

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what hollow would you recommend? my problem with freshly sharpended skates is that they feal too sharp and stopping is weird

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what hollow would you recommend? my problem with freshly sharpended skates is that they feal too sharp and stopping is weird

try 15, if that's too sharp try 17.

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what hollow would you recommend? my problem with freshly sharpended skates is that they feal too sharp and stopping is weird

try 15, if that's too sharp try 17.

I think Bruin switched from T-Blades to conventional blades.

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what hollow would you recommend? my problem with freshly sharpended skates is that they feal too sharp and stopping is weird

try 15, if that's too sharp try 17.

I think Bruin switched from T-Blades to conventional blades.

Damn ADD. Like Eazy said 5/8 is a good place to start.

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