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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curve help

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hey guys i need your help on this. What retail curve does this resemble the closest to?



according to the listing it's a pro curve and " looks like an Yzerman or Sakic curve". This looks more like a Jokinen curve to me. What do you guys think? I'm strongly considering this curve.

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Thats pretty much a Darby pattern,I have that curve on my synergy pro stocks.

As for a retail curve,its not very close to anything that i can think of, maybe an iginla w/alot more loft

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Like Cavs said its pretty much a cross between an iggy and sakic curve, but the blade has a huge rockered heel

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dang i lost it :(

what are the performance differences between a rockered blade and a blade w/ a flat bottom? Is one easier to shoot or stickhandle than the other??

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Flat bottom can be either all on the ice, or very little on the ice. Rockered has a good portion on usually, but never "all" on the ice.

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it looks like a kovy/drury curve with less loft, and an iginla rocker.... i wish i couldnt get my hands on that blade.... :o im drooling, i would love to have it in my novius

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