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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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iPod Dilemma

Which should I choose? (See below for descriptions)  

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Alright, most of you probably know about www.freeipods.com . Well anyways, I should have all 5 referrals done on my account in a week or so, and I cannot decide which one to get. I really want to get the green iPodMini, because it looks cooler but I also want the 20GB because it has a color screen. I am leaning towards the 20GB because of the color screen. But I could get it and sell it to my brother (who said he'd buy it for $200) and then buy a green 4GB Mini for $179 with my mom's education (she's a teacher) discount. So I'd be making $20. I have enough money and don't exactly need the extra $20 so I think I'll get the 20GB for myself. But I want to see what you guys have to say.

Option #1 - Get 20GB with color screen for myself.

Option #2 - Get 20GB with color screen, sell to brother, buy green Mini, make $20.

On a related topic, does anyone know if the color screen drains the battery faster than the normal screen?

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On a related topic, does anyone know if the color screen drains the battery faster than the normal screen?

Not sure some of you saw the edit of my first post but I'll repost it. See above.

Thanks Morrow.

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The colour screen model has a better battery and is rated at about 40% better battery life than the standard 4g.

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it would be nice and sure appreciate for your brother...200US for a 20gb is a nice deal....and you,you get a mini...both of you are happy

but i have to agree Ipod color screen are sooo hot!!!that why i pass on getting a mini!

But if you are the kind of ''me myself and I'' than get a ipod color screen!!

And how does Ipodfree work??(it pretty interesting!)

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Sign up there and compelte an offer. Then get 5 friends to do the same thing. It costs some money to do the offers (the only ones available to Canadians are fairly expensive - around $20) but it isn't a lot to get an iPod. Technically it isn't free, but close enough.

Also, I'm going with the color one for myself because I don't really like my brother that much. You all with siblings know how that goes...

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Sign up there and compelte an offer. Then get 5 friends to do the same thing. It costs some money to do the offers (the only ones available to Canadians are fairly expensive - around $20) but it isn't a lot to get an iPod. Technically it isn't free, but close enough.

Also, I'm going with the color one for myself because I don't really like my brother that much. You all with siblings know how that goes...

pyramid scam........

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Anybody on here accually used this site to get an ipod? Is it safe. And will they ship to Canada? I'm not allowed to sign up till I know so I can't find out from the site.


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Canadians used to not be able to do it, but they changed that. They will ship them to Canada now, and it is safe. I'll post here with pics when I get mine. In the meantime, you can check the links above that I posted with people who posted pics of theirs that the recieved.

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what exactly do you have to do to get an ipod though? i was on the site a couple days back, but could never find out what exactly you had to do

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There's only one problem with the site. There super back ordered so it takes a month or two before you actually get your ipod, but since it is reletivley free it's totally worth it.

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The only problem is if they feel like it they could just not give you one. My friend had 5 (I think it was 5) people sign up under him and complete offers and they decided to just not give it to him...

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No they can't do that. They prolly put him on hold becasue he or one of the friends who did an offer already did one.

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No they can't do that. They prolly put him on hold becasue he or one of the friends who did an offer already did one.

Read the terms and conditions... and says that they can put you on hold for any reason or basically not give you the item for no reason.

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Well I guess they can then, but I doubt it happens often. You'd hear about it a lot more if it happened more often.

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how much does it take you to get your 5 friend??

Because i don't think a lot of my friend would be able to subcribe since i'm 15 yr , it not every body who have a acces to a credit card( i have a paypal account with my mom credit card...)

Do you think you can do it yourself??20$ for each...x5= i would pay 100$ for a ipod...

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