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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps xn10

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i was wondering what a good price for the xn10 is currently...CDN would be prefered as i like buying from stores rather than online stores... if anyone from toronto has any quotes that would be great, but anything is appreciated. thanks

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can you guys specify what currency? :/ ive been looking into either a si-core grip or an xn10...but im leaning towards the si-core because of the drury flex. i would like to try the morrow curve though

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I paid less than $100 USD each for my xn10s,$220 CND is prolly for retail not pro stock(remember pro stocks are cheaper than retail sticks)

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Sorry Kovy, but im not going to use them untill september when captain practices start for HS.But after using one of my xstiff xn10s i would say they are gonna last 2 weeks tops(blade wise). I got a pass on one of the xstiff and the blade has a giant dent and you can see the foam(I love TPS sticks but they are cheap pieces of crap)

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Sorry Kovy, but im not going to use them untill september when captain practices start for HS.But after using one of my xstiff xn10s i would say they are gonna last 2 weeks tops(blade wise).  I got a pass on one of the xstiff and the blade has a giant dent and you can see the foam(I love TPS sticks but they are cheap pieces of crap)

I can't see how something that will last 2 weeks is worth the $$$$$$$$. What the hell do you guys do to your sticks that they last 2 weeks? Other than the freak misshap, I have never had a OPS lasted less than 2 months.

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Sorry Kovy, but im not going to use them untill september when captain practices start for HS.But after using one of my xstiff xn10s i would say they are gonna last 2 weeks tops(blade wise).  I got a pass on one of the xstiff and the blade has a giant dent and you can see the foam(I love TPS sticks but they are cheap pieces of crap)

I can't see how something that will last 2 weeks is worth the $$$$$$$$. What the hell do you guys do to your sticks that they last 2 weeks? Other than the freak misshap, I have never had a OPS lasted less than 2 months.

I've had a few that didn't hold up very long and I never bought another one of those models.

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Sorry Kovy, but im not going to use them untill september when captain practices start for HS.But after using one of my xstiff xn10s i would say they are gonna last 2 weeks tops(blade wise).  I got a pass on one of the xstiff and the blade has a giant dent and you can see the foam(I love TPS sticks but they are cheap pieces of crap)

I can't see how something that will last 2 weeks is worth the $$$$$$$$. What the hell do you guys do to your sticks that they last 2 weeks? Other than the freak misshap, I have never had a OPS lasted less than 2 months.

I've had a few that didn't hold up very long and I never bought another one of those models.

I agree Chadd. If I was busting sticks that fast I would buy woodies and just get used to it.

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Sorry Kovy, but im not going to use them untill september when captain practices start for HS.But after using one of my xstiff xn10s i would say they are gonna last 2 weeks tops(blade wise).  I got a pass on one of the xstiff and the blade has a giant dent and you can see the foam(I love TPS sticks but they are cheap pieces of crap)

I can't see how something that will last 2 weeks is worth the $$$$$$$$. What the hell do you guys do to your sticks that they last 2 weeks? Other than the freak misshap, I have never had a OPS lasted less than 2 months.

I've had a few that didn't hold up very long and I never bought another one of those models.

I agree Chadd. If I was busting sticks that fast I would buy woodies and just get used to it.

That's why I switched to tapered shafts and custom wood blades.

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It might be supersition but tps and rbk are the only ops that i can shoot well with.

I take performance over durability any day. And to be honest i would never pay $180 for a tps xn10,they only reason i got them was becuase 1) they were extremely cheap and 2)I bought 8 before i realized that I almost broke a blade after 12 ice times

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It might be supersition but tps and rbk are the only ops that i can shoot well with.

I take performance over durability any day. And to be honest i would never pay $180 for a tps xn10,they only reason i got them was becuase 1) they were extremely cheap and 2)I bought 8 before i realized that I almost broke a blade after 12 ice times

Well, since RBK have not been out all that long I hope you are having good luck with them. If not, I would say take Chadd's lead or go back to $20 wood sticks.

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It might be supersition but tps and rbk are the only ops that i can shoot well with.

It has nothing to do with the stick, it's all in your head. A good player can shoot with any brand.

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I would say it is probally in my head, i can shoot with a synergy or vapor,or any other brand but for some reson my shots are at their peak when I use responses,I just recently got used to my rbk 6k and I love it now and its also a tank, Ive had it since january and on top of that i have recurved the blade numerous times without a problem

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This past weekend one of my LHS had a big sale and they were selling xn10's and i found one that was black and red with grip. To bad it was left handed because i would of bought it.

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im right handed, but i prefer to buy from stores, online buying is usually last resort for me....if anyone else has a quote similar to bruin's then post it :] $125 CDN seems like a great deal, did you find it in the GTA region or elsewhere?

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