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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone used these?

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I was at the West Coast Regional Tour cup tournament last weekend at Anaheim Hockey Club. There was a guy from sprung-inline.com displaying an independant suspension frame for inline hockey use. The claims seemed to be the same as the TUUK rocker, closest ice feel, all the NHL guys are using them for off season training, etc. Has anyone heard about them or used them?



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they have been refining it for a while now...some good ideas..I've heard some good feedback on it from a variety of people..i think since they are a smaller company..it just hasn't been too cost effective for some of the major companies to put the frames on their inlines...

in Vegas, Keith and Joe were pretty busy most of the way..so maybe an OEM thing will happen down the road

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is it me or was that like the worst, least informative website ever.

there was no info about their product. and only like 1 pic of it.

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is it me or was that like the worst, least informative website ever.

there was no info about their product. and only like 1 pic of it.

Seems like an interesting product, but I've spent enough money on framse that claim to replicate ice hockey. I'll wait for some one else to try it first.

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