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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A slash in the pants

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I went to my second pickup game this weekend (10 guys + 2 goalies for 2 hours; I thought I was gonna die) and tried to get more into the game. As I'm fairly new I learned a few things:

1. As a defenseman I make one hell of a orange cone

2. The difference between a "Nice crossing pass" in your offensive zone and one in your defensive zone is the word "numbnuts"

3. Despite CCM's claims of "Strongest 420 Denier nylon", as people are stepping on you to untangle themselves from the pile up you created in front of the goal, a skate will cut through the pants' fabric (and if it weren't for the hard plastic core I suspect my entire leg)

So now I have a hole in my pants about 1 1/2" long. How does one repair this? Or do I leave it alone and count it as my first "war wound"?


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Spread a little "Pro Toe" or your equivalent on the affected area. I know a few guys that use it on gloves and such to seal up small tears. Once it dries it's tough, black in color, and should hold up pretty good. Use a few layers.

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Glad you're having fun with the game Norm. I find hockey is a bit like golf as all you need is that one good play to keep you coming back for more.

On the ripped pants, I get a needle and thread and sew the holes shut. Leaving them open will lead to them getting larger.

Stick with it! And as Don Cherry says, putting the puck on the net may not be the best play, but it's never the worst one.


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On the ripped pants, I get a needle and thread and sew the holes shut. Leaving them open will lead to them getting larger.

I put a piece of nylon behind the slash before sewing it shut. One set of stitches around the outline, and one set of zig-zag stitches across the tear.

Unfortunately, nylon rips extend easily if they are in high-motion areas, and the tear may get longer if you don't repair it quickly.

Do you play soccer (your reference to "Nice crossing pass")?

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Am I the only one who just leaves them?

I've been wearing the same pair of Tackla's since 1990 and have never bothered to fix any of the numerous cuts. Not one of them has spread or grown.

I kind of like the idea of using pro-tec-toe. If I ever get new pants and the cuts start to tear, I'll give that a try.

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i dunno if this'll work, but could you try melting the two sides of the cut back together to seal the cut?

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Am I the only one who just leaves them?

I've been wearing the same pair of Tackla's since 1990 and have never bothered to fix any of the numerous cuts. Not one of them has spread or grown.

I kind of like the idea of using pro-tec-toe. If I ever get new pants and the cuts start to tear, I'll give that a try.

I just picked up a pair of Tacklas from one of my team-mates who let some skate cuts get longer and longer, and join together, until they became "unrepairable". So I repaired his pants and am using them now.

I think it depends a lot on where the skates cut the pants. Some of these cuts were over the hip flexor.

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Personally I would let it go but if you want to sew it try using 4 or 6 lb test fishing line instead of regular sewing thread. Much stronger.

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