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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Summer Concerts

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anyone have any summer shows lined up??? ive already seen john mellencamp/john fogerty (spelling) i have tix for jack johnson, also have tix for good old gordon lightfoot, hopefully ill be seening the white stripes this fall as well

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A good buddy of mine's dad is the president of the Corel Cetre, so he hooks us up with free tickets to any concert in the owner, Eugyne Melnyk, suite. It is pretty sick. I've been to a few concerts already, might be going to Greenday and BSB when they come..lol

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A good buddy of mine's dad is the president of the Corel Cetre, so he hooks us up with free tickets to any concert in the owner, Eugyne Melnyk, suite. It is pretty sick. I've been to a few concerts already, might be going to Greenday and BSB when they come..lol

I hope you're not talking about the BSB I'm thinking of... :(

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me and my dad are gonig to see billy idol ,motley crue with sum41 ,def leppard maybe nazereth and then alice cooper. we just missed an awwwesome show with streetheart ,harlequin ,headpins and prism because we had to go to some family reunion ,i was mad.

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I'm going to try to make it up to The Dan Band in Portland later this summer.

Unreal show. I never thought I'd see a guy cover "I've Never Been To Me" but I'll be damned.

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gonna see third day in 3 weeks, delirous & kutless at harvest crusade and am still trying to swing some coldplay tickets in august. anyone have any suggestions/connections for coldplay?

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Saw the Sounds of the Underground Tour this past saturday. Unreal show. Unearth was awesome as was Lamb of God. Gwar puts on one hell of a show, best part of that set was when a fake George Bush came out on stage and they chopped his head off shooting blood into the crowd.

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I work at PNC Bank Arts Center in New Jersey so I see concerts all the time. Ive seen Velvet Revolver, Tom Petty, Steve Miller, and a whole bunch of others.

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