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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Golf Toys

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Hey Guys,

Still working on my game ,and it's coming along, slowly, but steadily. I like to get out to the range as much as I can and get on the courses regularly, but sometimes it isn't possible. Is there any at home "toys" that you've found are particularly good. I work on my form and swing at home, practice putting as well, but was wonder about some toys. Like the "Crack" balls and some other things I can hit that won't shatter anything, but I'll know I hit well. I'll be out to get a club or two tomorrow (need some additions to irons and a driver) will probably pick up something small/cheap to help at home. Not really looking for suggestions, more just a question of what you use, what you like/dislike about it.

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I have one of the home putting holes. It isn't one of the gigantic floor matts. Its only about 1 foot x 1 foot and is just the hole. I really like it, its very easy to use and store. I put now all the time when I'm watching TV and I can see an improvement. A few years ago I had this big net that I set up in my backyard that I hit wiffle balls into. As I recall, it was fairly inexpensive and easy to set up. However, I was just beginning when I started using it and shanked a lot of balls into the neighbor's yard.

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I used to work on my chipping all the time in the house. Popping the ball onto the couch or running it down a hallway with an 8 iron. I'm deadly in those situations now.

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What I do for chipping is fairly simple. I just stick a stick in the ground and get like 10-15 yards away and just try to hit it. I usually do this once or twice a week, and I've seen a great improvement in my short game. For driving I use those wiffle balls that someone else mentioned. They don't go far enough to hit any thing so theyre just really good for working on your form.

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The momentus swing trainer... the heavy yellow shafted club. it forces you on a somewhat correct swing plane and also helps you develop better tempo. Whenever i hit the range to work on my game i swing it before to warm up and every once and a while durring my practice session.

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Best thing I did for my game is go take a few lessons. I took two with a CPGA dude. First one cured my slice and took my drives from ~210 to consistent 250 and straight, I was typically slicing them about 40 yards right to left before. Second one fixed up me taking so much dirt with my irons and shanking them right. Took a steady 10-12 strokes off 18 holes, from a typical 105 shooter to a 92-95 shooter. This took me from guessing my swing to knowing EXACTLY what I'm doing wrong and how to correct. After games my wrists and back are less sore too from way better posture.

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a big mirror, that way you can see what your doing...

practice your setup, and swing in front of it, checking your angles, and posture.

there such a big gap as to what you think you are doing vs what you are actually doing

a lot of times you have to re-train your brain, you might not feel your are doing something, until you actualy see yourself doing it

2 things a lot of amatures have trouble with that you can work with in front of a mirror,

not having your hips slide back on the back swing, its a slight rotation.

and swing plane, the angle of your back swing, should be the same as the angle you create at setup between the club and the ground

you can compare yourself with swing sequence photos you can see at golfdigest.

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Have you guys seen this putter with a hole in the head? I forget the name. You place a golf ball in the little hole. You use the putter to hit another golf ball and if you've hit it straight, the ball that was in the little hole is released and should follow the ball you just hit. I hope you guys know what I'm talking about. My uncle works at a Country Club here and he says those putters are real hot sellers at the pro shop.

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