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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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G Series Graf's

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I think we're all opinioned out when like 1 out 4 of your posts involves complaints on the G series....

well if someone asks an opinion about the product, I would hope they want good and bad responses.. Is that not the point?..

If I'm peaved at that brand thats my business... If your so stressed about my posts, why do you read them...

I was simply telling the guy to try Mission, between the S series and the L series, he might find what he needs... plus the forward pitch on the holder allows to duplicate the cobra blade... whats so whong about that???

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i have a pair of 705's and love them.

by the way is there any web site where you can see the custom grafs and order a pair of them?

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has anyone else seen the new 735s? pretty much the whole boot is silver and they have cobras instead of t blades ,they look pretty ....psychedelic

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the g35 on certain occasions is deeper then the 735 which im not sure why.

Poor quality control would account for the variations.

actually chadd every g35 ive sold has been deeper fitting then the 735 as is the g3 not as narrow as the 703 was. also to the comment about the insoles ive seen the insoles not fully attached on bauer vaporXX's and other skates. theres a certain degree to which theyll allow things slip. like i know when my shop first got the vapor xxx in jrs they all had these holes on the sides of the boot. we sent most of them back, even the custom skates weve seen have them

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is it just me, or does the guy in that pic with teh grafs look like he is trying to catch a pass through that fight ????

yep he does or looks like hes trying to dangle through them

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if you need a deep fitting boot look at the 8090s and the g35 and 709/609/g9 skates there deep and stiff.

I have the 8090s in D and they aren't wide enough, but the heel is to big. What does graf usually charge to order 700 series skates with a wider toe cap? I'm obviously going to ask my lhs, but I want to know the general price so that I don't get ripped off.

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if you need a deep fitting boot look at the 8090s and the g35 and 709/609/g9 skates there deep and stiff.

I have the 8090s in D and they aren't wide enough, but the heel is to big. What does graf usually charge to order 700 series skates with a wider toe cap? I'm obviously going to ask my lhs, but I want to know the general price so that I don't get ripped off.

150 for customs but if you want stitching its 200 like ur name

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I love my g3s

How are the liners in your G3s? I liked my G35s except for the fact that my liners are like sponges and takes forever to dry out.

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