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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Langenbrunner pro stock

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Has anyone seen one or used Jamie Langenbrunner´s curve on the TPS Adreanline? Or maybe one of his other sticks? A picture would be perfect but a good description will do it as well. Thanks!

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nice,whats the sites name? i have jamies pro-stock synergy, only if i knew how to put pics on this site.......

Because this hasn't been explained how to do endless times on the site...

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www.tpshockey.de They got some nice discounts on pro returns from this past DEL season. Langenbrunner, Greig, Crawford, Girard and some more that are not listed on their site. The Adrenaline at 180 Euros for me which is still about 230 USD if I´m right but a decent price for us Europeans I guess. I was told the curve is a rather deep mid/heel is that true?

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Well thanks for keeping us updated on that. In other breaking news, I opened up a Fresca and grabbed the last Everything bagel.

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:D Ehm....well I got the stick today. It´s Lags on the nameplate just as on his Synergy. The cure is not quite what I expected (a little too much heel) but I´ll get used to it. The lie seems perfect but I don´t know what it is. The blade looks rock solid too.

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