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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Mace Gloves

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Unfortunately, after jumping from one team to another, I am now in the market for new gloves (and pants and helmets). I was checking some of the sites when I saw the Mace gloves at hockeymonkey.com for a REALLY good price...But, they don't have the black/white color scheme that I need in a 14" option; only a 13.5"

I'm wearing 14" Vapor XXXs now, and they fit great. I'm wondering if the half-inch Bauer/Oakley difference is really that big a difference. I've heard good things about the Oakley gloves, so I'm hoping I could score them for cheap. But, if they're not going to fit me, then it looks like I'm going to have to lay down an extra $70 for another pair of XXXs.


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I find that the oakleys are bigger, compared to my easton ULP's that are the exact marked the same size. the mace's are defintley bigger

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The Oakley Mace 13.5 and 14 are the same size. The only difference is the size of the cuff extension. The difference is like that between an Eagle X70 and X71. The Maces will be a little bit looser compared to the Vapors.

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