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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking skates at Home

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Okay, Ive decided to try and bake my skates in my oven,I plan on using the guide on epuck,but I have a few questions before I do this.

1)If I put alum. foil on the try would it decrease the risk of burning the skate material?

2)Do you take out the insoles or leave them in?

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Don't use foil. If you really have to go cheap and bake them at home put a damp towel under the skates. I just don't understand why someone would risk ruining several hundred dollar skates to save $20 or $30.

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Chadd,Im I going to ruin them if I do this?

There's a much better chance of you ruining them than a shop ruining them. If you make a mistake you're screwed and you asking about using tin foil leads me to believe there's a chance of a mistake being made.

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My friend tried his at home because he didn't want to spend the $20 and he ended up burning the quarter package on his brand new XX's. Luckily it was only a small portion (about the size of a pen cap) that was burned. It resembeled the burnt topping on a coconut cream pie.

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did it work out fine other than the burn mark, when of my skates are in as we speak and it is almost ready to take out

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did it work out fine other than the burn mark, when of my skates are in as we speak and it is almost ready to take out

Just take them to a shop It's not worth it if you mess it up.

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Well,I didnt mess up the first one. So lets hope I dont mess up the second skate.

By the way chadd the damp towel thing worked great ;)

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I just leave them out on my deck for a couple of hours. Then I lace them up. Works pretty good. The sun gets them nice and toasty, then u lace em up tight. U can repeat. Doesn't get too hot, and I find skates last longer and don't break down as quickly like if u were to bake em in the oven at the shop.

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My friend tried his at home because he didn't want to spend the $20 and he ended up burning the quarter package on his brand new XX's. Luckily it was only a small portion (about the size of a pen cap) that was burned. It resembeled the burnt topping on a coconut cream pie.

How long did your friend bake his XXs for?

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Has anyone tried using a clothes dryer with a center tray? I did that once, put the dryer on a low setting and left them in there for a few minutes. It seemed to work well, to reform my already baked skates.

Also for my inline skates I just soaked them upside down in a bucket of warm water then put them on until my feet got cold. Did it a few times and they broke in very quickly.

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My friend tried his at home because he didn't want to spend the $20 and he ended up burning the quarter package on his brand new XX's. Luckily it was only a small portion (about the size of a pen cap) that was burned. It resembeled the burnt topping on a coconut cream pie.

How long did your friend bake his XXs for?

Pre-heated to 150 degrees and left them in for 5 minutes each. He didn't know after the oven was pre-heated to turn it off while they were in there. Ironic joshy, my friend who did this his name is Josh.

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Congratulations, how did you do it in the end ?

Maybe you can help someone who has the same question in the future.

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I did it exactly as epuck said, but instead of putting the skate directly on the baking skate,I put a damp towel on the baking sheet then I put the skate on .The moisture from the towel helped the skate material from burning.

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Pre-heated to 150 degrees and left them in for 5 minutes each. He didn't know after the oven was pre-heated to turn it off while they were in there.

That, and Vapors are only supposed to be baked for 2 minutes. No wonder he burned them!

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