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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mounted holders questions

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i just bought synergy skates and i had my lightspeeds mounted on them, unfortunatly some hack mounted them at my LHS peranis, and he compellty messed up the riviting. he pushed the rivets too far in so on a few of them the rivit is actually through the holder. i have 2 questions, first question is would putting copper in the whole boot make it better? im not worried about alittle weight gain considering they weight next to nothing. also i was wondering if i could put size 296 light speeds on these 10.5 W synergys. i read somewhere that if you have wide skates you go up a size, just curious. thanks for all of your help


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how could the holder have the rivets gone through it if the rivet is going the exact opposite way. you could go up a bigger seize if you have room at the ends just because if theres too much overhang than thats not that good at all

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Got pictures??

If they ruined the holder by the rivet going THROUGH as you say, wouldn't the holder not be secure in that area? I would have them replace the damaged one. If the plastic is just a little squished under the rivet, and the holder is mounted tight, I think you'll be OK

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That's what you get for going to Perani's...

Sorry :)

It's hard with regular steel rivets - hard to press them through the composite insole. Plus you need 5/16" rivets. Copper is a solution.

You need to go with what size came on the skates previously, or have someone look at it. Are you in MI?

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thanks for your help but i dont know if i described it correctly. there are a few rivits that are crooked so therefor half of the bottom part (round) is dug right through the holder, these are not on any of the ends, they are all in the middle of the sections so it doesnt appear to be loose but im bothered it may become loose when i use them. and JR yes im in MI, i went to the one in sterling heights if that means anything to you

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thanks for your help but i dont know if i described it correctly. there are a few rivits that are crooked so therefor half of the bottom part (round) is dug right through the holder, these are not on any of the ends, they are all in the middle of the sections so it doesnt appear to be loose but im bothered it may become loose when i use them. and JR yes im in MI, i went to the one in sterling heights if that means anything to you

Sounds like they drilled the holes at a angle, and the rivet is crooked. I'd just leave them in there. I don't think they will come loose.

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Saw the skates yesterday - they used rivets that were too long. I fixed it.

Yes, you have to redrill - the Easton hole pattern matches Tuuk, not LS.

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big thanks to JR for fixing my skates for no charge. he really seems to know what he is doing and what hes talking about, if you live in the metro detroit area and have a problem, i would suggest for you to go see him at the B and R in rochester.

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