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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flexlite tongue...

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I tried my flelxite yesterday....only complain i can make about them is the platis insert in the tongue...is it possible to change the tongue and put another one??(The bauer XXX seem really nice...no plastic insert at all)

or a way to whipper them...maybe using a kind of heat gun at really low intansity could make the plastic whipper ??

Or do these tongue lost is stiffness after some time??(because i have to say these skate are stiff as hell!!)


P.S:I don't know why everybody start complaining about my other post...i was just looking for some website if anybody know...and as Dave say...go look at t'blade.com and a box of 12 pairs is called a pizza box...i don't really like to be ''diss'' and treated like sh*t because these 2 funny people don't know what i talk about and come say sh*t after...''just my 2 cents''

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okay thanks JR...i go to one of the biggest hockey store in Quebec(Rousseau sports) but the guys here,told me it wasn't possible to it because compagnie don't send them replacement tongue = it doesn't exist...

Do you know any guys that have done it??

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Well i will try the tongue for 2-3 ice time and after i will go see a shoe repair( i know a really good one that could do the job...)

Thanks JR

By the way, Do anyone know Argentino (he sharpen skate for like 30 yr...he's store is located in Verdun,Montreal)he was supposed to be well-know in the NHL(mostly Canadians team...)

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Cobraa, I don't really have any info to add to the post. I think JR addressed it pretty well. I just wanna say you remind me of the goalie from Slapshot the way you type. Haha. Is it Denis Lemieux? "F#*k, I lose my blouse!" "Shirt, you lost your shirt!" Haha!

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thanks you guys give me a solution....but do i really need to bother with this...or the stiffness of the tongue will be lost after some time??

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it will probobly loose some stiffness yeah but you could try tying the tongue in a bent position to loose some stiffness or through the holder and over the tongue

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i did bend the tongue for maybe a full episode of simpson(30 minute) and it didn't seem to do something...

Well...I will try to not lace the top eyelet or see how much would it cost me to change the tongue!

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Me and my friend tied up his goalie catcher with old laces for about a week and it made it really flexable you could maybe try that or if you can't tie it take the laces out to bend the tongue round the front of the skate to make it easier to tie and to flex it more

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if you like your 1152 tongue then why not put it in. and yes shops can order in tongues from suppliers the prob didnt want to because theres not much money in it. i know weve ordered a few tongues in for sum customers. But the cheapest way would be to just put your 1152 tongue in

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