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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick handling training tripod?

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It's like a tripod that you stickhandle through. A customer asked me about it, I thought I saw it in one of the hockey rags but forget the name, anyone know? Anyone us it? Feedback?


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I think I've seen it on epuck and various other sites. Might've even see it in new england hockey journal.

But man, why would someone buy something they can build?

you get the same thing from propping a stick or two against a chair and handling around the sticks and legs.

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I think I've seen it on epuck and various other sites. Might've even see it in new england hockey journal.

But man, why would someone buy something they can build?

you get the same thing from propping a stick or two against a chair and handling around the sticks and legs.


Why buy something you can't build? Some people can't build anything? You would not believe how many people cannot operate even a screwdriver! lol.

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