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Synergy skates?

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Hey Crosby,

Do you have the synergy skates? Or are you looking to buy them, cause

I'm looking to buy them and I wondered it anybody could give me any info. They fit my feet well, but do they perform differently on the ice?


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i dont have a pair cause i demoed them and i realized i needed t'blades too sakte right but they fit really nicely on my foot and were light but i woudl only buy them if i coudl put t'blades on them just cause im relaly used to them and i like them alot, but my opinion would be to demo first if u can but id say buy them if u like normal blades

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You need punctuation to skate right also. :D It shouldn't be a difficult mount, but it is possible to get any holder radiused/sharpened to the hollow your used to on the t'blade

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i dont have a pair cause i demoed them and i realized i needed t'blades too sakte right but they fit really nicely on my foot and were light but i woudl only buy them if i coudl put t'blades on them just cause im relaly used to them and i like them alot, but my opinion would be to demo first if u can but id say buy them if u like normal blades

No holder will make you skate "right". Contrary to popular belief, equipment doesn't make you better.

t'blades can be put on Synergy 1300c skates but it will void the warranty.

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lol yes they make me skate right cause im used to them. im not saying they are better then a normal blade just different and i like them better you would know too if u sakted with t blades for a season then tried out normal blades.

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Alot of Members have tried T'blades and switched back. I know Chadd has tried them a number of times. Others have tried them and loved them, so they kept them. It's personal prefrence. Normal holders can be pitched to seem like T'blades, but if you like the actual holder and the non-sharpening, then go for it.

Basically - If you want T'blades put on some Synergy skates. Do it. You can, its possible and its your decision.

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i just switched from t blades to ls2's a month ago and i couldnt be happier. forward speed wasnt a effected neither was backward ,crossovers feel better ,turning feals better and im more comfy on the ice now. with t blades i was almost scared to turn or stop after skating fast because of the little amounth of steel id almost always slide out when i was turning.

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i just wanted to add that i think t-blades are also very ugly. i think the synergy's look great how they are.

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i dont have a pair cause i demoed them and i realized i needed t'blades too sakte right but they fit really nicely on my foot and were light but i woudl only buy them if i coudl put t'blades on them just cause im relaly used to them and i like them alot, but my opinion would be to demo first if u can but id say buy them if u like normal blades

No holder will make you skate "right". Contrary to popular belief, equipment doesn't make you better.

t'blades can be put on Synergy 1300c skates but it will void the warranty.

how would putting another holder void the warranty if ive seen pro synergys with tuuks on them afterwards

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Sogaduch, if another holder is mounted to the skates and something happens to the skate, like the composite gives out where the new holder is mounted,Easton wont take the skate ,and basically your screwed out of $500 skates. I would try to get used to the Razorbladz first, before doing any alterations to the synergys.After a couple months I didnt feel right on the razorbladz so I got tuuk custom + mounted..

How long is the warrenty on the synergys, a year?

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i just switched from t blades to ls2's a month ago and i couldnt be happier. forward speed wasnt a effected neither was backward ,crossovers feel better ,turning feals better and im more comfy on the ice now. with t blades i was almost scared to turn or stop after skating fast because of the little amounth of steel id almost always slide out when i was turning.

exact same thing for me,forward skating are pretty the same(just need to get used) crossover feel so much easier(i really don't know why!) backward isnt so good that because i'm not used to the pitch!...

but it feel like i have no more ''crunch''-''grip'' on the ice with normal blade which equal to bad stoping for me...it feel like i was more gliding in ice and have less sharpened blade!!

For 30$ i could get profiled like t'blades or for 30$ i could put t'blade on..(i bought them off ebay at 25$)

Anyone know if i profile them like t'blades...they would be exactly like t'blades?

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i dont have a pair cause i demoed them and i realized i needed t'blades too sakte right but they fit really nicely on my foot and were light but i woudl only buy them if i coudl put t'blades on them just cause im relaly used to them and i like them alot, but my opinion would be to demo first if u can but id say buy them if u like normal blades

No holder will make you skate "right". Contrary to popular belief, equipment doesn't make you better.

t'blades can be put on Synergy 1300c skates but it will void the warranty.

how would putting another holder void the warranty if ive seen pro synergys with tuuks on them afterwards

You're comparing a retail product and warranty to what you've seen some pros use?

Ask your rep if you don't believe me, this is nothing new.

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i dont have a pair cause i demoed them and i realized i needed t'blades too sakte right but they fit really nicely on my foot and were light but i woudl only buy them if i coudl put t'blades on them just cause im relaly used to them and i like them alot, but my opinion would be to demo first if u can but id say buy them if u like normal blades

No holder will make you skate "right". Contrary to popular belief, equipment doesn't make you better.

t'blades can be put on Synergy 1300c skates but it will void the warranty.

how would putting another holder void the warranty if ive seen pro synergys with tuuks on them afterwards

Chadd's right. Heck even on Easton shafts (dunno if they still say this) there's a disclaimer that says warranty is void if used w/ non-easton approved replacement blades.

Also, take a look at any pro stock synergy stick. It usually says "no warranty", for professional use, yada yada yada.

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k uhh dont argue about the t'blades because its personal preference whether u like them or not..so i like and i fine i i can stop turn and do everything more comfortably on t'blades rather then normal blades..plus htey are lighter then a normal blade so they are always good in that way

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k uhh dont argue about the t'blades because its personal preference whether u like them or not..so i like and i fine i i can stop turn and do everything more comfortably on t'blades rather then normal blades..plus htey are lighter then a normal blade so they are always good in that way

There is a difference between you like them more and them "making" you skate "right". I've tried them before and will likely try them again if they fix the issues I have with them. Then again, I try everything.

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i dont have a pair cause i demoed them and i realized i needed t'blades too sakte right but they fit really nicely on my foot and were light but i woudl only buy them if i coudl put t'blades on them just cause im relaly used to them and i like them alot, but my opinion would be to demo first if u can but id say buy them if u like normal blades

No holder will make you skate "right". Contrary to popular belief, equipment doesn't make you better.

t'blades can be put on Synergy 1300c skates but it will void the warranty.

how would putting another holder void the warranty if ive seen pro synergys with tuuks on them afterwards

Chadd's right. Heck even on Easton shafts (dunno if they still say this) there's a disclaimer that says warranty is void if used w/ non-easton approved replacement blades.

Also, take a look at any pro stock synergy stick. It usually says "no warranty", for professional use, yada yada yada.

yeah the warranty sheet still says that if there shaft is used with a bauer blade the warranty is void but how would they know if u send the shaft in on its own. also with skates no other company restricts different holders being put on there skates so its stupid if easton doesnt allow for people to swap holders, it could mean that people who want an easton synergy skate wont get one if they prefer a tuuk holder or a t-blade. but i cant see a company like easton being so anal about this since theres rumours about them being bought out and such

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I have seen other manufacturers reject warranty claims if other holders have been put on. The only one I haven't seen reject a claim is Mission and that's partly because I haven't seen anyone swap the pitch for anything else.

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I have seen other manufacturers reject warranty claims if other holders have been put on. The only one I haven't seen reject a claim is Mission and that's partly because I haven't seen anyone swap the pitch for anything else.

i know my shops sent back some skates too graf with tuuks on them or the odd chance parabolics and they have repaired it n/c, even a pair of vectors we had that had tuuks on them. I dont think companys really care about whats on the bottom of there skate since nobody really notices what holder a person is using, its what skate there wearing that makes the difference. Also ive seen a few people put tuuks on missions that have the pitch holder

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I have seen other manufacturers reject warranty claims if other holders have been put on. The only one I haven't seen reject a claim is Mission and that's partly because I haven't seen anyone swap the pitch for anything else.

i know my shops sent back some skates too graf with tuuks on them or the odd chance parabolics and they have repaired it n/c, even a pair of vectors we had that had tuuks on them. I dont think companys really care about whats on the bottom of there skate since nobody really notices what holder a person is using, its what skate there wearing that makes the difference. Also ive seen a few people put tuuks on missions that have the pitch holder

Graf has rejected 703s, 705s and 727s with Tuuks on them. I know people who had Graf refuse to honor warranty claims on their skates.

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Its like installing an aftermarket part on a car. For all "company x" knows the outsole could have cracked, etc as a result of the person doing the riviting ripping it away from the boot, etc.

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I have seen other manufacturers reject warranty claims if other holders have been put on. The only one I haven't seen reject a claim is Mission and that's partly because I haven't seen anyone swap the pitch for anything else.

i know my shops sent back some skates too graf with tuuks on them or the odd chance parabolics and they have repaired it n/c, even a pair of vectors we had that had tuuks on them. I dont think companys really care about whats on the bottom of there skate since nobody really notices what holder a person is using, its what skate there wearing that makes the difference. Also ive seen a few people put tuuks on missions that have the pitch holder

Graf has rejected 703s, 705s and 727s with Tuuks on them. I know people who had Graf refuse to honor warranty claims on their skates.

well i guess it depends what kinda mood the persons in that day. Our reps know that we install other holders on there skates and they dont care at all. Also itd be very hard to crack an outsole with rivets.

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I have seen other manufacturers reject warranty claims if other holders have been put on. The only one I haven't seen reject a claim is Mission and that's partly because I haven't seen anyone swap the pitch for anything else.

i know my shops sent back some skates too graf with tuuks on them or the odd chance parabolics and they have repaired it n/c, even a pair of vectors we had that had tuuks on them. I dont think companys really care about whats on the bottom of there skate since nobody really notices what holder a person is using, its what skate there wearing that makes the difference. Also ive seen a few people put tuuks on missions that have the pitch holder

how do you not notice a what kind of holder is on a skate. there arent really 2 holders that look alike either so you cant mix them up. and what would the manufaturers warranty have to do with people caring about what kind of holder you have.

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