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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So my dad and I went to the local chip and putt tonight, and it's official. I suck. Granted it's my first time ever playing golf, other than the driving range. I didn't hit the green once, and could never get under the ball enough. The grass was very high, so that could be one of the factors. We will probably go more, but does anyone have any tips on how to get better? What's the best club for a Chip and Putt? Any help is appreciated...thanks!


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Use a wedge of the lob, sand, approach variety. Keep your head down. You might want to check out Eazy's topics on golf. There could be some help there as he is getting into the game too.

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Yeah that was the big bummer...we didn't bring a sand wedge, we should have but didn't. Most of my approaches came no where close to the green. I think I had one that came somewhat close to the green, it landed two or three feet away. But like I said, the grass was very high, so I couldn't really get under the ball. I don't have golf shoes, but would shoes like skate shoes work because they're somewhat grippy? I noticed at the driving range, the reason why my shots go off to the right is because my feet always end up slanting to the right, because my shoes don't have good traction.

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if you are in rough it is better to hit down on it but for chips you always have to hit down on them because that is how you chip and roll it. The club you use all depends on the distance you want it to roll. If you are chipping on a pretty flat green and want to roll it like 20-30 something feet its better to use a pitch wedge..................k i'll just search a website for you because it is pretty hard to explain.

http://www.golfstudionyc.com/shortgame.htm (read the chipping part)

for which club to use i suggest just to hit the practice green and experiment with the amount of roll you get with each club like 9, 8, and wedges ect. Its way easier from a close lie roll it to the pin than stick it close.

For you golf ball going to the right it is because your clubface isn't square at impact and it is open instead.

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Few things here:

A) Your shots go to the right (I'm assuming your a righty here) because your coming through and your clubface is too open. You need to keep it square. You need a pro to go into detail, it would take me 6 paragraphs to explain it.

B( You don't get elevation because you are trying to lift the ball, you need to hit down on it. Go to the range and try it out

C) You should get a couple of lessons/intros to golf if you at alll want to get better. Its fun as hell when you get good but whne you arent it is the most frustrating game in the world lol

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Its fun as hell when you get good but whne you arent it is the most frustrating game in the world lol

Oh yes I know that...I think I threw my clubs further than I hit the ball :D <_<

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I got a tip for you though, when you are actually playing a round of golf you can't try to many things like swinging hard or hinging wrists or casting wrists more or anything like that. Because the more things you got in your head when your golfing the worse you usually play. A large portion of golf is mentality.

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Yes...I realized that it's all about accuracy and patience. I know I won't be playing any golf on an actually course for a while, as I don't have my own set of clubs, I use my Dad's...but his aren't the size for me. He's about 5'8" and I'm 5'3". I need my own set of clubs, and maybe I can convince my parents to buy me one.

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B( You don't get elevation because you are trying to lift the ball, you need to hit down on it. Go to the range and try it out

In other words, you use the loft of the club to get the ball in the air, trying to "scoop" the ball is going to yield poor results. Its a hard concept to grasp because you hit down to get the ball up.

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B( You don't get elevation because you are trying to lift the ball, you need to hit down on it. Go to the range and try it out

In other words, you use the loft of the club to get the ball in the air, trying to "scoop" the ball is going to yield poor results. Its a hard concept to grasp because you hit down to get the ball up.

Biggest mistake new players make is not hitting down on the back of the ball.

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The way I chip is to hit it just like a putter....Its against every piece of advice anyone has ever given me but it works and now I can say I'm a decent chipper. Another thing to do that will help your game on the actual course is to take a lot of warm up swings and pay attention to where your club head goes in terms of if it's hitting the grass or not even touching it, it also helps to slow things down and really take your time and your game will improve.

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WHere'd you go, Golf Farm on Haddonfield-Berlin RD? Your first time shouldn't be a breeze where you nail every shot, as with anything else....so just keep practicing and it will come with time. Now is the best time to develop a swing that works for you, and not to get into bad habits that will be a pain the break later. And a tip to ready yourself for the real course....don't cheat and use the little rubber tees as a chip and put. When it comes time to use your pitching wedge on a real course, you already teed off 95% of the time, so practice hitting it right from the grass.

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WHere'd you go, Golf Farm on Haddonfield-Berlin RD?

No, Cooper River mini golf and chip and putt over by the Hilton. Next time we go we're going to Golf Farm though...the one at Cooper River sucked....

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Hey if the grass is shorter and there's a better green I'm fine...the green at the Cooper River one was crazy...

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