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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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downloading programs

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I think that theres 2 other threads on this so you can search. Although in my opinion Bit torrent is waaaay better than any other program.

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Limewire Pro. There are ways to download it without paying. Finding them are up to you... or PM me.

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Bearshare is alright............. as long as you download and run a good adware/spyware (Spybot, Adaware ect.) program right after you download Bearshare. Because Bearshare comes with a good amount of spyware/adware. Bit torrent is the way to go IMO.

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Another option is Kazaa Lite, it doesn't have any spyware. The regular Kazaa has spyware though, the Lite version is the same program but with the spyware removed.

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Another option is Kazaa Lite, it doesn't have any spyware. The regular Kazaa has spyware though, the Lite version is the same program but with the spyware removed.

KaZaa Lite has gone to hell now. I switched to Ares after every song was screwed on Kazaa Lite. BitTorrent is good but I chose Ares because it has the same format as Kazaa Lite and is really easy to use with every song, video, program, image :o you need.

Im Ares and I support this message.

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Shareaza is the flavor of the week for my brother right now. I just use what he has. Seems like every time a topic like this comes up we have a different program.

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