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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synthesis gloves and cheap blades

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Hey was wondering if the easton synthesis gloves r a gd choice as they r goin quite cheap bt seem quite gd. ne 1 used them? wat u think?

And secondly ne 1 know wer i can get cheap wooden sticks blades? or get the old ccm curves lik 10 and 11?


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We also have people from all over the world who visit the website. Please make it as clear as possible in the future.

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no no its very popular here lol. no its ok just thought you were slaggin me a bit but no worries! who are you anyways? what age? do you play for a team?

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lol ok calm down like! does anyone at all have an answer to my question?

Isn't cheers popular in england too? I know a lot of brits who say it....

People here tend to stay on topic most of the time, so questions about everyone can be answered by just reading around. If you spend some time here, you'll get to know everyone.

I don't know about the synthesis gloves. They're not bad, but depending on what kind of protection and performance you need, and how they fit, they might be bad for you.

Cheap wood blades, check around at the online shops, they're actually hard to find these days. :huh:

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To answer one of your questions. The CCM 11 and 10 patterns are only retailed in Europe. The sticks are made in Finland b.t.w. while the sticks that are retailed overseas are made in Canada and go by the player´s name. The P10 is the equivalent (spelling?) of the Recchi while the P11 is the Lecavalier. P31=Doan , P39=Thornton. We do not have the Bonk and Stuart patterns over here but therefor we have the P5 which is an exact Lidstrom clone and the P19 which is an exact Sakic clone.

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Thanks dude, that really really helps. though the pattern 10 i have is a bit deeper than the recchi, but cheers that made my day! lol

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