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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick comparison

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I was wondering if anyone could give me some info on the Reebok 7k vs. the ccm vector 110 and 120...Basically I have used the 2 vectors and ABSOLUTELY hated them both..easily the worst sticks i've ever used. Now the 7k feels good in my hands, and I'm interested in getting one. But seeing as how CCM manufactures them i'm wondering if they feel like vectors? BEcause the vectors felt great in my hands to but like i said i hated them.

Anyways thanks for any help.

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For one the 7k is a lot lighter. Puck feel is much different, as with the vector I felt like I was using an ABS roller hockey twig, while the 7k I've used feels more like a typical comp blade.

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So you would say the Rbk ismore comparable to sumthing like a Vapor XX..Cuz i've been using these since they came out and love them..except the durability..Im deciding between the XXX and the 7k.

P.S. Your stick collection must be starting to creep up on Ponty's..lol

edit: Also is the regular flex comparable to the XX 102 or more so the 87?

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So you would say the Rbk ismore comparable to sumthing like a Vapor XX..Cuz i've been using these since they came out and love them..except the durability..Im deciding between the XXX and the 7k.

P.S. Your stick collection must be starting to creep up on Ponty's..lol

edit: Also is the regular flex comparable to the XX 102 or more so the 87?

i have a 6k and the regular flex seems to be at about 95. This is after I cut about 2 inches off tho.

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i haven't really tried any of the vapor sticks out for a long period of time. So i'm not going to try and compare. All i'm gonna say is that the rbk 7K seems to have a really light and well balanced weight. Plus the snake grip...or whatever they call it...is amazing. Its not like a grip on most of the other OPS on the market. Its a series of grooves that feel really nice.

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No Snake Grip on the 7k. Its good your trying to help but picking a stick up in a store usually doesn't give a legitimate review.

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