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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Country specific Syngery ST's?

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It was funny how people were still saying it was photoshopped when it was on the swedish online store.

The picture that the store listed was photoshopped.

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It was funny how people were still saying it was photoshopped when it was on the swedish online store.

The picture that the store listed was photoshopped.

It looks the same as the picture in this thread.

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What TPS stick is that? A repainted response?

Don't know - it's not the Adrenaline Control - it's a shaft and blade obviously.

Whats the Adrenaline Control? A tapered shaft or a non?

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It looks the same as the picture in this thread.

You must not understand simple english. The picture that the swedish website put up, had the colors changed in photoshop. The stick in the picture from gettyimages is obviously real.

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It looks the same as the picture in this thread.

You must not understand simple english. The picture that the swedish website put up, had the colors changed in photoshop. The stick in the picture from gettyimages is obviously real.

Maybe you should look at the threadstarters post and then youll understand what I mean.

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