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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Punching out skates

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I have a pair of Graf 705s in regular width that fit me fine when I purchased them. (In retrospect, I should have gone with the wide width) I have hot spots that need to be punched out - perhaps a 1/4 inch - but I’m afraid if I punch them out too much, my ability to make sharp turns will suffer. I’m just curious if there are precautions I should be aware of with regards to my holders and its position on the outsole.

This is what the skates look like now.

img00028mb.th.jpg img00016xb.th.jpg

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Is the spot on the inside or outside of your foot? By the way, the holder on your right skate isn't lined up with the centerline of the toe cap.

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The outside will be punched out.

Both my LHS and I were aware of that right skate. We decided to use the RMS screws to attach the Tuuks. The Cobras looked off-centre as well, especially the heel.

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The outside will be punched out.

Both my LHS and I were aware of that right skate. We decided to use the RMS screws to attach the Tuuks. The Cobras looked off-centre as well, especially the heel.

You may want to consider drilling new holes to mount the Tuuks if you notice problems. As for punching, 1/4" sounds like quite a large amount to punch out a skate. You may well have problems trying to punch them that far out. I'm guessing baking them did not produce the results you were looking for, so you're moving on to baking?

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. I'm guessing baking them did not produce the results you were looking for, so you're moving on to baking?

You meant punching right? You said baking twice ;)

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We had to drill holes into the holder to mount them using RMS. I'll skate in these first and see how I feel about Tuuks on my Grafs before I committ and drill holes into the outsole if I feel the need to. I'll get new holders, of course.

The skates are well broken in. I didn't bake them when I bought them because they felt great, I highly doubt baking them now will help alleviate the pressure points. I guess we can punch little by little until the pain is gone.

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Describe the hot spots, and where they are located. A punch or even a width stretch should work, especially since you say they use to fit Ok and you think you should have gote wides.

Just drill new holes and mount holder correctly. The holes wont hurt anything as long as they are not directly against the existing holes.

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Jeez, don't punch out anthing. Take them to a good skate repair shop and have them stretched in width.

You can't make a general statement like that. Punching is nothing more than "stretching" wide in a localized spot. This is why he has to explain to his skate shop exactly where it hurts. He may need a little punch in one area, or the whole skate stretched wide.

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Describe the hot spots, and where they are located. A punch or even a width stretch should work, especially since you say they use to fit Ok and you think you should have gote wides.

Just drill new holes and mount holder correctly. The holes wont hurt anything as long as they are not directly against the existing holes.

Along the outside where the 'G' is. My pinky toes do not have enough room expand when force is laid. I made the mistake of buying the skates early in the afternoon.

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Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I'm still in dire need of input before I commit.

To update, I have yet to bring my skates to my LHS to get them punched out, I am just concerned with the alignment of the holder affecting the balance of the skate when the boot has been stretched so much on a single side (outside).

Would punching out the inside (toe side) of the boot help alleviate the discomfort? Would it even work at all? My frame of mind to this predicament is, rather than punch out one side (The side with the hot spots) of the boot until my feet fit, why not punch out the other side to compensate? Am I just deluding myself or am I onto something here?

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