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The texas chainsaw massacre

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Did this really happen or was it just made up? I've heard that this never happened so i'm just wonderin if any of you guys know.

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As far as I know that really happened. He didn't kill as many in real life. And the whole town wasn't in on it in real life just the killers dad. Thats what i heard.

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Okay because i've been told it was some guy who has inspired movies like silence of the lambs and phsyco who inpired this movie.

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My understanding is that there have been "questionable" murders in that area, and the Leather face is a town myth behind it. Some believe it, others don't.

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I don't know about anything in Texas, but a lot of it was based on some killer in Wisconsin that had killed people and had them in the basement of his deli or something. Ed Gein I think his name is?

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I don't know about anything in Texas, but a lot of it was based on some killer in Wisconsin that had killed people and had them in the basement of his deli or something. Ed Gein I think his name is?

Wisconson seems to ring a bell actually, I'm sure you could Google it and get an answer, but it'd be tough to seed through all of the BS stories.

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I don't know about anything in Texas, but a lot of it was based on some killer in Wisconsin that had killed people and had them in the basement of his deli or something. Ed Gein I think his name is?

Thats the name i heard. They said he killed two woman and dug up 7 beacuse he wantedto make a skin suit. If any of youhave seen silence of the lambs buffalo bill was based on him.

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Guest phillyfan

A what suit? What is wrong with people? That's just, disgusting. Anyway, TCM was based on a true story, think of it like "Titantic." A ship sank, but having the two people in love doing everythnig they did in the movie, not likely. Anybody see the remake of TCM? Friends said it was good, in a bad way. He said he was afraid to sleep! It's not that bad, is it?

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I don't think it was totally horrifying but i'll telly ou this, my grandma lives in a big old house with an unfinished basemet like the one of tcm and you couldn't pay me to go down there.

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I believe they actually have tape of him killing a police officer. In the new movie of it at the end it shows footage of a police officer getting killed and they said this is the only known footage of his face..I dont know it it is entirely true though.

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Guest phillyfan

I doubt they would show an actual murder, especially of a Police Officer, in a movie to make money. It's wrong.

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I believe they actually have tape of him killing a police officer. In the new movie of it at the end it shows footage of a police officer getting killed and they said this is the only known footage of his face..I dont know it it is entirely true though.

Just just added junk. Think of it like the Blair Witch when the polive officer is talking.

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In the dvd version, dont they come with "exclusive" photos of the events or something. Its not true but it would be interesting to see them. By the way, I thought it was a good movie. Especially the girl from seven heaven. DAMNNNNNN white shirt...sprinklers.

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I believe they actually have tape of him killing a police officer. In the new movie of it at the end it shows footage of a police officer getting killed and they said this is the only known footage of his face..I dont know it it is entirely true though.

That was the only part that I thought was scary.

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Partially true, search it on google. The guy who it's based on is also the character base for Phsyco and another movie. Just search Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Ed Gein that was the real killers name.

heres a link Ed Gein Page not the best but its alright. Theres lots more.

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Dan_The_Man_16 Posted on Apr 25 2004, 02:54 PM

  Partially true, search it on google. The guy who it's based on is also the character base for Phsyco and another movie. Just search Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Ed Gein that was the real killers name. 

Isnt his real name something else not Ed Gein..I seen it in the movie but i forget the name.Ill do a search.

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On a side note that movie is kinda funny...that one part that little kid is like "run dont let him get you". No shit he has a chainsaw lol.

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