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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Changing the lie

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Is it possible to change the lie of a wooden stick? I have an Easton Z100 with the Yzerman blade. I started with a Forsberg/Modano but I REALLY like how "flippy" the Yzerman is. The problem is that I'm always losing the puck under the toe and have to play the puck with the heel of the blade.

Is there any way to flatten the blade out a little on a wooden stick?


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Some guys shave the heel or toe...but I don't know if you can do it enough to alter the lie. You would probably make a hell of a mess of the stick unless you had a really good idea of what you were doing, and what shape you want to achieve.

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I had the same problem with my old blade, dont even try to fix the curve just buy a new blade of a different kind of curve that you like, go to epuck.com to find a blade you mite like under the bladetool on that web

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Some guys shave the heel or toe...but I don't know if you can do it enough to alter the lie. You would probably make a hell of a mess of the stick unless you had a really good idea of what you were doing, and what shape you want to achieve.

Yes, shaving will work. However, you are correct, it is a messy job and when done you'll want to fiberglass it. A whole lot of work considering it is not that expensive just to get a new stick.

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The bladetool is about 60% wrong and about 2 yrs outdated

and 90% of all statistics are pulled out of someone's ass. :blink:

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I noticed my tape was wearing out more toward the toe of the blade. I was able to adjust for better puck control by adding 2 inches to the length of my stick. Now the tape wears out right in the middle of the blade.

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This isn't really answering your question but a TPS Sundin/Brendl is almost exactly an Yzerman but with a 5 lie. It will probably be what you're looking for if you're willing to buy another stick.

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