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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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$199!? that's insane! i picked one up for $10 at the flea market last summer. i don't use it all that much, but as theo pointed out, you do move fairly slowly on it. i still find it as a good way for strengthening your legs, as well as a cardio workout, but it's not going to help you that much, or as much as other exercises, in improving your stride

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I use a slide board sometimes. It is a nice addition to your workout routine if you're looking to mix it up sometimes. I sometimes add hand weights, leg weights and/or a stick and a street ball for stickhandling to make it more challenging and interesting.

You can use it to lengthen your stride, get quicker feet, build up your gluteals and hip flexors. It doesn't replace doing other stuff like plyos but it's a nice change from the same old workout.

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I agree with Otto. It's nice to be able to mix up the same old weight routine with a motion that you actually use on the ice. The slideboard really helps build some leg muscle and muscle endurence in the skating/squatting position.

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we use them in our plyo routine, and i like the concept. so far theyve really helped me with staying low, because you have to in order to keep your balance. i reccomend one.

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I'm getting a StrideSlide board today...time to get in shape for beer league Hockey...

i'm adding a shootting board to the slide board and then training with the new PhatPuck8(8.oz)









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