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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi-Ho silver 2 chassis

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Hey, i might be getting the Hi ho silver II skates and was just wondering a few things....

first off i read on Epuck that the 'One Up Pro' chassis can be converted to be the same as a hilo chassis just by putting an 80 mm wheel in the back. is this true?

surely using it with the 78mm wheel in the back would make you keep falling backwards if this was the case? or am i wrong.

if this is the case, wouldnt the one up pro chassis just be a hiLo chassis with a 78 mm wheel in the back? is this to get around the patent laws?

thanks for any help!


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The one up chase has a rocker spacer in the frame so you can switch it to a hilo set up. When using the 78mm wheel at the back it shortens the wheel base, but the wheels are still flat on the ground. You shouldn't fall backwards when using the 78mm wheel, I don't think with the money BNH have in R&D they would design something that makes you fall all the time!

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Do you know what a "Rocker Spacer"is? You take it out and turn it the other way!

Differences Between Hi-Lo and OneUp

The only real difference between the Hi-Lo and the OneUp is that the OneUp comes with a 1mm rocker on the back wheel. This is produced by utilizing a 78mm wheel in the rear position. The net effect is that with the rocker, the wheelbase is shortened by 37%. This allows quicker turning and easier stopping. If you prefer the feel of a Hi-Lo, simply throw an 80mm wheel into the rear position, and the OneUp is identical to a HiLo chassis.

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ah ok i get it, so you switch the spacer the other way around and it lifts the wheel the extra mm needed to fit the 80 mm wheel in. cool!

Does anyone have any experience with these skates? what are they like performance and durability wise?

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I have a one up on my 3090's ..but there was just 1mm rocker on mine..which i didn't mind..less hitting the back wheel on the mohawk turns,etc..i just popped an 80 back there when the 78's went...

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I have had the Hi Ho silver 1 it is the most comfortable/protective skate out there...its not heavy either, i cant even think about what the II will be like... to back up my opinion on the first hi ho silver, ive had skates like tour redmax, mission a-50's, and mission 550's, tell me how they are

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