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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Plane crash in Toronto

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that's terrible, i hope most of the people got out

oh man, my dad has to come home on that highway 401. he should be in for a surprise :o

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on CTV they just talked to a survivor you couldnt really make out his english tho. and i heard they took the pilot and other to hospitals already.

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Apparently everyone survived, close to 300 people on that plane and only 14 minor injuries that's incredible.

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I live like 40 min. away from pearson airport, and i just got back from dinner, and when I first got outside, I could smell smoke. It was really bad, like burning rubber

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Ya they were saying that the pilot overshot the runway and ended up into the ravine.

Front landing gear collasped is what i've heard, pilot supposedly saved the plane form more damage and casualties

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At least this is thought to be accidental, and not extremists trying to start with my peaceful neighbors to the North! Hypothetically, and only hypothetically, not looking for the FBI to show up at my door, but how long do you think it would take for Canada to openly declare a major offensive in the War on Terror, and without making the same mistake mister George Weasel Bushy made.

there is no need for political stuff like that here. there are other message boards for that.

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Pearson is not far from the office where I work and the smoke could be seen from my floor. its amazing how no one died but I guess its because the fire wanst immediate and the pilot did hit the ground first not straight crash into the ground like a nosedive. They said most of the injuries were from people jumping over one another trying to get off and very few injuries occured when the plane actually crashed.

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