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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM V130 blade

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Hey does anyone know when the V130 blades will be released? I'm a big fan of the recchi curve but the problem is there are no tapered recchi clones out there...or is there? I know iggy is close but i'm looking for an exact clone.

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I thought they were already out? I knew i've seen the shaft but im pretty sure i've seen the blade at my LHS for like $129.99

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Hey does anyone know when the V130 blades will be released? I'm a big fan of the recchi curve but the problem is there are no tapered recchi clones out there...or is there? I know iggy is close but i'm looking for an exact clone.

Christian makes a recchi clone, it's the number 4 curve.

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Hey does anyone know when the V130 blades will be released? I'm a big fan of the recchi curve but the problem is there are no tapered recchi clones out there...or is there? I know iggy is close but i'm looking for an exact clone.

Christian makes a recchi clone, it's the number 4 curve.

That same #4 curve can be bought from Harrow Sports as a composite.

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Hey does anyone know when the V130 blades will be released? I'm a big fan of the recchi curve but the problem is there are no tapered recchi clones out there...or is there? I know iggy is close but i'm looking for an exact clone.

Christian makes a recchi clone, it's the number 4 curve.

That same #4 curve can be bought from Harrow Sports as a composite.

Christian has the 4 in composite, I have a dozen rh and lh ;)

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how is the feel of these composite blade??christian and harrow?? And how do they retail??


do you think the v130 blade has the same problem as the ops? i would imagine it does, but i dont know.

The V130 OPS has been redesigned, so let's assume the early problems have been fixed. The V130 blade hasn't been released so we also have to assume when it does come out, it won't have the problem of the early OPS blade.

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As I said in another thread. The V130 blades are available in europe since about June and so far sell well regarding that tapered stuff is not too widespread around here. The guys I know using them do really like em and none has broke one within the 2 months of usage.

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Hey does anyone know when the V130 blades will be released? I'm a big fan of the recchi curve but the problem is there are no tapered recchi clones out there...or is there? I know iggy is close but i'm looking for an exact clone.

Christian makes a recchi clone, it's the number 4 curve.

That same #4 curve can be bought from Harrow Sports as a composite.

Christian has the 4 in composite, I have a dozen rh and lh ;)

Hey Chad how are they in terms of feel and durability. How much do they usually cost?

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Hey does anyone know when the V130 blades will be released? I'm a big fan of the recchi curve but the problem is there are no tapered recchi clones out there...or is there? I know iggy is close but i'm looking for an exact clone.

Christian makes a recchi clone, it's the number 4 curve.

That same #4 curve can be bought from Harrow Sports as a composite.

Christian has the 4 in composite, I have a dozen rh and lh ;)

Hey Chad how are they in terms of feel and durability. How much do they usually cost?

MSRP is $45

I did a review of the 04 blade and I'll post an update once I've used the 05 for a while.

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Do you know where I could find one Chadd? I'm interested in getting one but they don't offer a composite tapered #4 on the site.

Ok i just looked at the Harrow site. Are these the same as the Christian tapered blades?

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I know, Ive had nothing but problems with him.....never trying to order from there again;)

Custom helmet stickers are a minimum 50 piece order. I PM'd you and you never replied.

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Chadd, do you own your own proshop?

And on to the real topic.. I have a friend who has the blade and he likes it so far.. There hasnt been any splitting either.

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After checking out Harrow's and Christian's websites, it seems like Christian manufcatures Harrow's sticks. I mean for the curve pattern pic they use the exact same chart. Or maybe i'm wrong? Harrow offers a 30-day warranty on their blades...that's unheard of (compared to the big market blades)!.

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After checking out Harrow's and Christian's websites, it seems like Christian manufcatures Harrow's sticks. I mean for the curve pattern pic they use the exact same chart. Or maybe i'm wrong? Harrow offers a 30-day warranty on their blades...that's unheard of (compared to the big market blades)!.

Same ownership, warranty on Christian is 60 days on composite sticks

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Would you say one compagnie is better than the other??( i would buy some composite blade)...and what is the difference between the recchi and inginla??(i onw both and i can't really say a difference!)

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Would you say one compagnie is better than the other??( i would buy some composite blade)...and what is the difference between the recchi and inginla??(i onw both and i can't really say a difference!)

I never used a Harrow but I know the Christians only come in tapered blades. The Christian pattern recchi is more of a toe

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