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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Price point OPS...any one use them?

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I was looking for maybe a back-up stick for my xn10...maybe a 100$ can do a wonderful job for the money,who know!

I was mostly interesting in the Vic,because of their Pro5 pattern which is pretty close to a inginla...and at 100$ it seem good

Powertek,seem really good at 130$ for a 425gr OPS but no Inginla pattern...

What about the feel of the vapor V?? i might pick a p88 vapor V blade at 40$

And the Z-1 is good because of their Hull curve!

Is their any other new price point(unknown brand mainly) that i didn't named(i know bauer and mission are not unkonw brand but...you get the point)

Anyway, say what you whant...but i think it could be a nice topic...for maybe like me...who don't like to throw 300$ for a xn10!!! lol

by the way, all my price were in cnd found!

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Get a Synergy Si-Core on sale at Sportchek for 129.99$$$-- and dont bother with the Vic i had one - hated it got rid of it in 3 games

had a dream i ........

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well ppl were posting how much they were gettin there sticks for so i said mine....where u think i got it...ill give u a hint, starts with a E...

Theres no need to keep ebay a secret. Everybody with a computer knows about it already.

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