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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick question

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since your new to the board, ill be the first to let you know this.

everything in the hockey world has to do with personal preference. the two sticks you are comparing are alot different feel wise. i personally would go with the xn10, because ive only heard bad things about the stealth. your best bet would be to go to you local hockey shop and get both in your hands. then you might have a better idea of what you want. and remember also, that looks dont mean anything when it comes to performance.

good luck

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Personal preferance.. They are both top of the line OPS's so you wanna choose which one suits you best for maximum performance, on your behalf.. I would personally go with the Stealth because i personally like the feel, balance, weight and durability.. I have yet to have one break on me and im a grinder, love to mix it up and play tough in the corners.. I also play Midget AA..

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I would recomend the XN10, mainly because the XN10 outperforms the stealth in most standard ways you can feel for a stick plush durability.

I disagree with you 400%. The XN10 was probably the worst stick i've ever used in my opinion. That should illustrate the PP concept.

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