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Gaining Weight

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Hey im 17 yrs old 5'6 140lbs and i wanna gain some weight...im talking about 20 pounds in by the end of august, any suggestions, ive tried weight gainer but in i only gained 5 pounds off a huge bucket, tried protein shakes, creatine, anything else?

i work out atleast 2 hours a day every day. Like any other suppliments u guys suggest? I was also wondering there are amino acid suppliments, what do they do? give you energy? Or should i just keep taking the weight gainer and increasing the amouth.

i eat quite alot too, mabey its just my high motabolism (SP)

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you gotta keep eating more. I know exactly how you feel. You gotta keep trying to find what's right for you though. Once you get it, you'll hopefully get at least 20 pounds out of it.

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First off, search this forum and sites like t-nation.com or bodybuilding.com for muscle gain topics, not weight gain. Muscle gain is specific, while weight gain can be fat, muscle, or water weight. Lift hard and heavy, eat more healthy foods, and do less pure cardio like running.

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i eat plenty of fatty food ,then workout like crazy and it turns into muscle. im 5'7'-5'8' 14 and 185 pounds. i eat my veggies too though.

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Two hours a day is overkill unless your including any daily excercise excluding lifting into that figure, and as soon as you figure out how to gain 20 pounds in 3 weeks without juicing i'll nominate you for a nobel.

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Some of it is genetic. I've been lifting for about 6 months now and haven't gained any weight. Started at a chubby 155, now I'm a slightly more lean 155. Also, I do almost no cardio.

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Another thing I forgot to touch on. You don't want to gain 20lbs in a month, since about 16 of it will be fat, 1 will be water, and the last 3 will be muscle, leaving you much less in shape than before. Lean gains, un-chemically enhanced, are generally limited by the human body to 2-3 lbs a month.

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Probably not what you want to hear, but you're body will grow when it's wired to grow. The problem is many of the supplements you could take would not lead to permenant weight gains; in other words, stop taking it and much of the weight gain will leave.

I've worked out for twenty-five years and I've had four times when I put on significant amounts of weight; the rest of the time, I fluctuated a couple of pounds in either direction -- for years at a time.

Believe me, this frustrated me for years. But I now know that your body will grow when it's programmed to grow. If you're aware of that, it's not quite as frustrating.

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make sure you arent just eating fatty junk foods and other things with fat just to gain wieght. you want to be sure to put on healthy lean weight. eat a steady regualr diet of protiens like meats and get carbs by eating breads and pastas. eat as much as you can and keep working out

like said above though, its not possible to put healthy lean weight on in 3 weeks. at least not anywhere near 20 pounds of it.

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eat roughly 4000 good calories a day, including supplements such as high amoutns of protein. carbohydrates help well, like when you eat bread, always eat whole weat or whole grain.

heres my plan now as i am gainign weight

breafast-8 egg whites sometimes with oatmeal

lunch-either 2 chicken breasts and rice(brown) or tuna sandwich and rice

dinner-steak, fish, chicken, lamb, veal, etc... salad (with avocado!!!) rice

snacks-whoel grain muffins, almonds!!!!, ice cream, chips here and there, light popcorn

supplements-go to www.saveonsuplements.com and order muscle milk, best protein out there right now

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eat roughly 4000 good calories a day, including supplements such as high amoutns of protein. carbohydrates help well, like when you eat bread, always eat whole weat or whole grain.

heres my plan now as i am gainign weight

breafast-8 egg whites sometimes with oatmeal

lunch-either 2 chicken breasts and rice(brown) or tuna sandwich and rice

dinner-steak, fish, chicken, lamb, veal, etc... salad (with avocado!!!) rice

snacks-whoel grain muffins, almonds!!!!, ice cream, chips here and there, light popcorn

supplements-go to www.saveonsuplements.com and order muscle milk, best protein out there right now

yglod11 how much weight are you gaining? Is that diet helping you and also does the muscle milk protein give you more muscle mass?

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eat roughly 4000 good calories a day, including supplements such as high amoutns of protein. carbohydrates help well, like when you eat bread, always eat whole weat or whole grain.

heres my plan now as i am gainign weight

breafast-8 egg whites sometimes with oatmeal

lunch-either 2 chicken breasts and rice(brown) or tuna sandwich and rice

dinner-steak, fish, chicken, lamb, veal, etc... salad (with avocado!!!) rice

snacks-whoel grain muffins, almonds!!!!, ice cream, chips here and there, light popcorn

supplements-go to www.saveonsuplements.com and order muscle milk, best protein out there right now

yglod11 how much weight are you gaining? Is that diet helping you and also does the muscle milk protein give you more muscle mass?

gained 5 lbs first week. i have more energy eating healthy liek this and read up on muscle milk, it gives you mass yes and does other things, its well worth 30$ USD

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Based on the questions being asked in this post/ridiculous statements being made a lot of you guys should do a lot more research/reading before you try to tackle the war that is gaining weight.

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20 pounds in less than a month seems quite hard if not impossible. Unless you want fat too i doubt it would be all muscle.

How long have you been lifting wieghts or working out?

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eat roughly 4000 good calories a day, including supplements such as high amoutns of protein. carbohydrates help well, like when you eat bread, always eat whole weat or whole grain.

heres my plan now as i am gainign weight

breafast-8 egg whites sometimes with oatmeal

lunch-either 2 chicken breasts and rice(brown) or tuna sandwich and rice

dinner-steak, fish, chicken, lamb, veal, etc... salad (with avocado!!!) rice

snacks-whoel grain muffins, almonds!!!!, ice cream, chips here and there, light popcorn

supplements-go to www.saveonsuplements.com and order muscle milk, best protein out there right now

Yes, that sounds about right. It is hard to eat enough protein at a sitting, so sometimes it is best to spread it out over 6 or so smaller meals.

Fatty foods, like anything fried, are of no use in building muscle. They should be banned from the diet. Carbs--if you are not skating yet the carbs should be mostly fruits and veggies. As you skate, you need to add more carbs to give you energy.

Cardio is counterproductive to weight training. If you lift heavy and then do some cardio, you are just slowing down the recovery period and negating some of the weightlifting gains. Now cardio is important to maintain during the season, but offseason some trainers ban it while you are trying to add muscle mass.

But this is all a moot point. You should have been working on building muscle back in April. Now that the season is starting, it will be pretty hard to add any muscle mass while skating.

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biff: Given certain perameters, cardio can actually increase gains from the weight room, and it can help recover in any case by moving blood into and out of the muscles on off days.

Guys in general: If you haven't read a lot about fitness and nutrition, please don't make so many categorical statements, since many turn out to be very wrong and if other members weren't much mor eeducated about these topics, you would all be working with unconfirmed if not entirely false information. Search, read, and ask questions first, assert last.

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You are only 17. 20 pounds in 25 days isn't happening. Your metabolism is probably high as hell and you sound pretty active. Do you want this weight for the upcoming hockey/sports season? If so I can tell you right now that the 20 pounds that you want in a month will probably slow your ass down a good deal. It's not going to be lean mass and you will be surprised at how much this will effect you. If it's not for sports that's a different story. Good luck either way you have 23 days left.

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SB39, I know exactly what I am talking about. These are not my words about cardio, they are straight from a Pro trainer that I hired, who works with NHL players. My kid was forbidden from running or biking for 2 months while he was being worked over for muscle gain/% fat reduction. The only thing that he allowed, but discouraged, was a sprint/walk thing on a track.

Cardio, in general, is not good for off-season while you are trying to build muscle mass. It interfers with the weight lifting.

Now if you can find a United States Weightlifting Federation certified instructor that says differently, I would like to hear about it.

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