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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well ,today i broke my 3 month old vapour xxx ,just before i got that i broke my 4 month old pro stock madden xn10 grip which i loved to DEATH and broke the blade of my 4 month old response plus which again ,i loved to death and im thinking of sending the 3 sticks into stick fix (stickfix.com) has anyone else tried getting a stick fixed here? how is it?

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I got my stick repaired by a stick guy, not sure if he was a stick fix guy or not but it was great. I repaired a stealth and now it only weighs like 420 something grams give or take. It feels harder to break than ever but the only downside is a little more weight, different flexpoint, and it is a little stiffer.

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Sometimes the fixing of a broken stick kind of scares me. The flex point and weight changes. I dono how durable the stick would be after as well. That's just my opinion.

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wouldnt stickfix make the the stick stiffer in the fixed area making it more likley to break in other parts of the shaft?

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