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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink employees help

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I'm starting a project and I need a goal net. I can buy new ones but this project is going to cost me enough as it is. If you can help me, let me know. I'll cover shipping and I will owe you one. Plus I figure it's just about time for most rinks to replace the netting on their goals anyway.



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good luck, them b-----tches weigh like 65 pounds, lift with the legs :-D

I don't need the steel just the twine.

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Wow, i was gonna say, watching you try to lift 65 lbs., that'd be a stitch, ;-)

They still have the old nets with solid steel bottoms at the Hershey park arena. Speaking of that place, it looks like this may be the last year for ice in the old barn.

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Wow, i was gonna say, watching you try to lift 65 lbs., that'd be a stitch, ;-)

They still have the old nets with solid steel bottoms at the Hershey park arena. Speaking of that place, it looks like this may be the last year for ice in the old barn.

I remember that. hey, at least I got to say that I played there. It was a cool experience.

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good luck, them b-----tches weigh like 65 pounds, lift with the legs :-D

I don't need the steel just the twine.

So you only need the mesh for the net? Not the actual steel frame? I'll see what i can do.

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