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Switching from a Lidstrom to a Drury

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As the topic says.....Any of you guys did it? Was it a pretty easy transition? The Lidstrom does work for me but sometimes I'd like a change.

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from my memory there both same lies, the lidstrom has a bigger toe hook on it where the drury has a smaller toe hook. there both predominatly heel curves but the lidstrom opens up alot at the toe area

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Toe hook? The Lidstrom is a deeper curve that opens up drastically from the middle of the blade to the toe. The Drury is a very shallow curve that opens up pretty consistantly from the heel to the toe. Very different curves that do not play similarly at all.

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Toe hook? The Lidstrom is a deeper curve that opens up drastically from the middle of the blade to the toe. The Drury is a very shallow curve that opens up pretty consistantly from the heel to the toe. Very different curves that do not play similarly at all.

thats what i meant, it opens up alot from the middle to the toe

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I am about to go from a Drury to a Lidstrom / Belanger here real soon. I expect a few field goals before I get use to the change.

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The curves are different, but I would not say that they are hard to adjust between. A few shots and a warm up should be sufficient.

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I've made the Lidstrom-Drury transition before. It did not take long to adjust.

I'm back to the Lidstrom curve though and sometimes the Sakic...

drury was better curve for passing, and the Lidstrom is quite versatile around the net, i like the Lidstrom better for shooting.


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