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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rbk 6k 35kp

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Im not too sure about RBK but if there are no int blades (usually only come in tapered) then the blade that goes with a int shaft is a senior blade.

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Im not too sure about RBK but if there are no int blades (usually only come in tapered) then the blade that goes with a int shaft is a senior blade.

Not all int tapered shafts use senior or int blades. Mission uses jr blades on int shafts.

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Yea, its just that i was likeing my 6k (40kp) shaft so i got 2 more but I didnt know they were 35kp's (int). So they came today and I was a lil ticked at 1st but i thought o well maybe I can still use em. So i tryed to put my synthesis in and i couldnt get it all they way in with out prolly breakin the shaft. Thats all.

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Im not too sure about RBK but if there are no int blades (usually only come in tapered) then the blade that goes with a int shaft is a senior blade.

Not all int tapered shafts use senior or int blades. Mission uses jr blades on int shafts.

Thanks for the correction, I didnt even know that.

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