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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gluing a logo onto pants

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I want to put a team logo on my pants. I'd rather not sew it on, as I would have to take apart the leg of the pants to remove a piece of the padding. I was told on Corebem that I could use stick glue...has anyone tried this? Does it stay on, or is there a chance that it will peel over time.


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You could probably use a hot glue gun from a hardware store or a craft store. That might make it stay on but it would still probably come off after a while.

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If you wash or dry your pants/shell, it will eventualy come off with crazy glue. Use fabric glue.

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Guest phillyfan

Not sure what sort of glue it is, but use the adhesive where you can use an iron and iron it onto the linen. The "Hockey stands United" flags have it, as do the USA Hockey Officiating patches.

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