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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

Sammy Hagar

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

Just saw Sammy Hagar last night. I'm sure you "youngin's" wouldn't even know who he is. LOL

Anyhow, I amazed at this guy's energy for being 55! The man can rock! Short show, due to curfew, but, he and the Wabos absolutely kicked a**!

OK, enough of my Thursday night. Carry on with your Friday. :D

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"there's only one way to rock!"

Going to see George Thorogood tonight. Well actually I'm selling beer at his concert so I get to see the show for free. Anything to pay for icetime.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
I know he makes decent tequila.

Some guy was at the show, dressed as a Cabo Wabo Tequila bottle. Needless to say, Sammy brought him up on stage.

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I've been to his club in Cabo many times before. This past spring break we were going to go in, but for some reason there was a huge line outside. We moved on to somewhere else, and found out from some guys the next day that Sammy was there. I guess he only shows up 4-5 times a year, and that its absolutely crazy when hes there.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
mas tequila!!

they have an awesome guitarist

We met Vic Johnson after the show. His on-stage performance was flawless.

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Sammy puts on such a great energetic show. Here in St. Louis, I've seen him a couple times solo and twice with Van Halen and every time was a blast. Funny thing is my mom (who is 47) has pictures of him playing at Busch Stadium back in 1982 when I was like 5 years old.

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I've been a fan of Sammy since he was with Ronnie Montrose. Ive seem the red rocker twice on his own (standing Hampton tour) and once with Van Halen. My favorite all time red rocker song is Montrose Bad Motor Scooter!!!!!! On the other hand Tequila does bad things to me :blink:

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