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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Actually, you can convert your songs to MP3 format in iTunes, then burn a MP3 disk. All you have to do is select the songs you want to convert, click on "Advanced" up on the top, then click convert to MP3. To burn a disk in MP3 format, go into your iTunes preferences, click on the "Burning" tab, then choose MP3 CD under disk format. Hope this helps.

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what about adding songs from another computer? Im gonna be going to college in a couple weeks and the provide me with a computer but i know as soon as i link the ipod up all the songs i have now will be deleted. is there some sort of patch or something i can download to solve this problem?

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what about adding songs from another computer? Im gonna be going to college in a couple weeks and the provide me with a computer but i know as soon as i link the ipod up all the songs i have now will be deleted. is there some sort of patch or something i can download to solve this problem?

And be sure that your ipod os formated for the good machine...i had my ipod formated for windows...and i sync it to my mac's dad ...all my 600 song and 300 photo got deleted!!!

THANKS APPLE!!!seriously i like the Ipod...but damn i hate Apple...they whant to be so much differente than other...that if your ipod is not formated for a certain type of exploitation system you will loose everything in 2 minute...(the computer freezed after maybe 6-7 minute( i had the time to listen to 2 song) then all got deleted!!!)

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what about adding songs from another computer? Im gonna be going to college in a couple weeks and the provide me with a computer but i know as soon as i link the ipod up all the songs i have now will be deleted. is there some sort of patch or something i can download to solve this problem?

if you mean going from one computer to another with songs, you could get an external hard disk and just add your itunes music folder to it then plug it in to the other computer and upload

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can u get put song files on an iPod that arnt from iTunes?? because i want to get an iPod but dont want to use iTunes

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I think the only other thing possible is Musicmatch Plus or something like that but I think it's a $19.95 one time fee. Or you could do it for free with iTunes.

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what about adding songs from another computer? Im gonna be going to college in a couple weeks and the provide me with a computer but i know as soon as i link the ipod up all the songs i have now will be deleted. is there some sort of patch or something i can download to solve this problem?

i just went through this with putting all my old stuff from our old computer onto my new laptop, and all i did was burn a couple mp3 cd's to take care of the songs, and then a couple more cd's to take care of other files. all in all, it took me about 5 blank cd's to cover everything. worked like a charm.

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