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Nike Flexlite 12 Skate Problems ? What to do ?

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Hello I am posting this for a friend of mine. He bought a pair of Nike Flexlite 12 skates when he visited Seattle about 2 1/2 weeks ago, because it worked out to be much cheaper with the exchange rate then to buy them in Canada. I feel somewhat bad because I told him all the good stuff people were saying here about the skates. Well hes having a lot of problems with the skates. First of all the silicone like pads on the outside of the skates on the inn side of the skates started ripping so he had to rip them off because he was literaly tripping due to it, also there is about 3-4 lace loops that are coming loose. One is almost out and the others are on their way.

We want to a local shop around here and they said they were willing to send them back through them, because according to Nike/Bauer you can only send skates back through authorized retailers.

Now I have a few questions. Is it possible to ask for a different skate like a Vapor XX or XXX since Bauer owns Nike, because he doesn't want to deal with Nike any more, or is it possible to ask for a different size so he can sell them to another friend he needs a 1/2 size bigger pair. Anyways any help is appreciated.

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Bauer/Nike will not give you a different pair of skates than the ones that are being warrantied (i.e. swap XXX's for warrantied Flexlites). I am not sure, but also doubt they will change size on the skate being warrantied.

This policy is most likely a deterrent to fraudulent activity. For example, say a person tries the Flexlites for a couple of months, has buyers remorse, and decides he wants the Vapors instead, and intentionally breaks his skates. This control will prevent this shenanigans (I am not implying this is happening here)

I am very surprised the Flexlites are doing this? I have heard many issues of the Quest liner ripping (and similar XX and OLD 7000 liner), but not the knew Flexlite 12 liner.

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it's possible he got a defective pair? of course i'm not in the industry, but maybe the reason he got them so cheap was because the store was trying to unload a shipment that they knew had problems? if your friend is satisfied with the performance/fit, i don't see why he shouldn't give them another shot

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it's possible he got a defective pair? of course i'm not in the industry, but maybe the reason he got them so cheap was because the store was trying to unload a shipment that they knew had problems? if your friend is satisfied with the performance/fit, i don't see why he shouldn't give them another shot

I doubt they are seconds or anything like that, he bought them from a normal hockey shop, and he payed around regular retail for them. He liked the skates till they started falling apart and who says the next pair won't do the same, he wore quest 1's before and those things fell apart on him pretty fast too, but not much he could of done with those since they were purchased of Ebay.

But whatever if they would replace the pair with a new one I sure he would not mind at all.

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Bauer/Nike will not give you a different pair of skates than the ones that are being warrantied (i.e. swap XXX's for warrantied Flexlites). I am not sure, but also doubt they will change size on the skate being warrantied.

This policy is most likely a deterrent to fraudulent activity. For example, say a person tries the Flexlites for a couple of months, has buyers remorse, and decides he wants the Vapors instead, and intentionally breaks his skates. This control will prevent this shenanigans (I am not implying this is happening here)

I am very surprised the Flexlites are doing this? I have heard many issues of the Quest liner ripping (and similar XX and OLD 7000 liner), but not the knew Flexlite 12 liner.

Yeah I know what you mean, but its hard to purposly pull out 4 lace loops, unless you get Arnold lacing your skates up. Haha so funny I am.

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maybe when they were being baked he really reamed hard on the laces which can cause the eyelots to pop out because thats just leather there. theres no real reinforcement in the eyelots. so if the eyelots are popping out and when they were baked and nice and hot and he pulled back real hard then its his fault the eyelots are popping out because he expanded the eyelot holes

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maybe when they were being baked he really reamed hard on the laces which can cause the eyelots to pop out because thats just leather there. theres no real reinforcement in the eyelots. so if the eyelots are popping out and when they were baked and nice and hot and he pulled back real hard then its his fault the eyelots are popping out because he expanded the eyelot holes

Correct me if I am wrong , but aren't you supposed to tie you skates pretty tight if not very tight when they are baked ? And I don't even think he baked them, don't Nike skates have that out of the box game ready fit ?

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maybe when they were being baked he really reamed hard on the laces which can cause the eyelots to pop out because thats just leather there. theres no real reinforcement in the eyelots. so if the eyelots are popping out and when they were baked and nice and hot and he pulled back real hard then its his fault the eyelots are popping out because he expanded the eyelot holes

Correct me if I am wrong , but aren't you supposed to tie you skates pretty tight if not very tight when they are baked ? And I don't even think he baked them, don't Nike skates have that out of the box game ready fit ?

If you pull the laces up instead of straight out when you bake skates, you will pull out eyelets, regardless of brand.

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That's really wierd that he's having problems. Everyone I know that has had them for a decent amount of time has had no problems with them. Sorry to hear...I'm sure BNH will do something.

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