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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rbk 8k

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699.99 where im at thats pretty much standard price for all high end skates made by bauer,ccm,easton. nike and graf arent that high

That price is ridicoulous! Wow. Is that before or after the extra taxes?

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It's Canadian before taxes and yes, it is the going rate for top end skates, here in the Toronto/Hamilton area.

You could fly down here and back, buy the skates and still pay less than that. Unbelievable.

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but youd be spending more, flight, cabs,food,accomodations

If someone wants to fly from Canada to here just to pick up skates I'll put them up at my place and make dinner. ;)

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but youd be spending more, flight, cabs,food,accomodations

If someone wants to fly from Canada to here just to pick up skates I'll put them up at my place and make dinner. ;)

Even better, I'll hook them up with a girl. :D

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but youd be spending more, flight, cabs,food,accomodations

If someone wants to fly from Canada to here just to pick up skates I'll put them up at my place and make dinner. ;)

What ya making Chadd?

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but youd be spending more, flight, cabs,food,accomodations

If someone wants to fly from Canada to here just to pick up skates I'll put them up at my place and make dinner. ;)

Even better, I'll hook them up with a girl. :D

but how hot a girl is the question

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but youd be spending more, flight, cabs,food,accomodations

If someone wants to fly from Canada to here just to pick up skates I'll put them up at my place and make dinner. ;)

Even better, I'll hook them up with a girl. :D

but how hot a girl is the question

The more you buy, you can upgrade the "hotness".

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