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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Koho Revolution OPS...

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Well, from the 20th to the 26th,

Canadian-tire are having a 1/2 sale...65CND for the Koho Revolution 4470 senior OPS...anyone have tried one?? Last year when they had this deal i just bought out the shaft...but i'm wondering how the blade feel...and durability??

I will post the link after!



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I received a flyer from canadian tire and it had some one peice sticks i ahve never heard of like the mission C4 RBK XT and the Easton Typhoon anyone heard of them? sorry for feeding off your topic Cobraa

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Can someone scan or take a pic of the mission C4 and the RBK XT...soory for thrashing your thread Cobraa,but I think the Koho OPS is basically the RBK 5K

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The C-4 and Typhoon are on the site as well as the RBK stick (which is called XK) and the cooper stick is there, too. another nice looking stick is a Nike stick that they have. Is that a SMU?

EDIT: There are also C-4 skates there as well.

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The C-4 and Typhoon are on the site as well as the RBK stick (which is called XK) and the cooper stick is there, too. another nice looking stick is a Nike stick that they have. Is that a SMU?

EDIT: There are also C-4 skates there as well.

I second that, I was browsing through the Crappy Tire page and saw that XK, C4, Typhoon Grip, Nike Stick'um. The Nike looks great, but what is it actually? Cheaper Apollo with different graphics?

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Canadian Tire doesn't have any high-end equipment. At best it's mid-grade, so if that's what you're looking for (or can afford) great! If you're looking for elite level equipment, that's not where you should go.



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just looking for a kind of back-up stick and a OPS at 60 is pretty cheap..

Some time cheap stuff doesn't mean BAD either...that why i was wondering

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just looking for a kind of back-up stick and a OPS at 60 is pretty cheap..

Some time cheap stuff doesn't mean BAD either...that why i was wondering

I totally agree with you. In fact, my introduction to composite sticks was with the Canadian Tire Vector 90 (the silver one in case I have the model # wrong). I got almost a full year out of it before the blade began to seperate, then the tip broke off.

I liked the weight of composite materials so now I use a shaft & wood blade...but not a Vector though!! Easton UltraLight all the way!!


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Hockeygiant had some Easton Havoc's on sale YESTERDAY for $60 (only the Lidstrom in the righty, though). I went in today, and it's been bumped back up to $90. HG's sort of weird like that. For instance, the Carbster will be $10 sometimes, and $30 others. Right now it's at $19.99. Guess they change their sales items on the weekend or something.

HOWEVER, the Havoc might offer another alternative. Just keep an eye on their clearance items. Of course, you could always pick up one of their Gear sticks for $40. Hard to argue with an OPS for $40. A few people on my team have them. They aren't terrible. The blade is real thin, however, and I have to wonder how they'd stand up long term, but for $40.....

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OGIE- i agree with you...but leaving in CANADA...SHIPINP would be something like 15-20 buck plus fee because it is shipped with UPS...so the OPS is now 70$ US!!

DUDER- i was really happy with it, it still a light shaft...i mean...at the long it is 54''...no need for endplug like a Eston which make it a little lighter... i have it for 1 year and it great!!!

2 downside: the handle is kinda weird(pretty rounded corner) just pick one and see how you like it...it not bad at alll just weird!

2- only one flex....STIFF....around 100-105!

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The C-4 and Typhoon are on the site as well as the RBK stick (which is called XK) and the cooper stick is there, too.  another nice looking stick is a Nike stick that they have.  Is that a SMU?

EDIT: There are also C-4 skates there as well.

I second that, I was browsing through the Crappy Tire page and saw that XK, C4, Typhoon Grip, Nike Stick'um. The Nike looks great, but what is it actually? Cheaper Apollo with different graphics?

I thought it might be like the Vapor VI Stick'um or whatever the blue Vapor stick is.

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the blue stick is a vapor 1 OPS

I meant the dark blue one, I think the number was VI.

Ok,I get what you mean now.The Flexlite OPS is probally a Vapor V or VI,but both those sticks are excellent price points.

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