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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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weight training excersises

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"The Bear" :

Snatch to a front squat to a military press to a squat to another military press, and repeat 10 times for 4 sets.

Use one 10 lb. on each side to start off. I'm assuming you're using a 45 lb. barbell...

We use 45 lbs. on each side, but you'll definitely need to build up to that.

For your dumbells, do step ups to presses.

Step up onto a weight bench or box with dumbells in each hand above your shoulders. (do not rest on shoulders, this defeats the purpose) When you step up, press with the opposite hand. ex. left foot first, right hand press.

Do 8 for each side.

Use 15's to start off. We use 40's or 45's, to give you an idea.

You can also do box or bench step ups.

Hold the dumbells in your hands by your side and step up onto the bench. Use heavy weight, since this is for leg strength.

Do 8-10 each side. We use 73 lbs., but we use russian kettlebells, little tougher.

Try this stuff. It works. If you want more exercises PM me. You'll be in shape real fast.

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Theres about a million excercises you can do with those items. The "bear" and power cleans with turn you into an absolute freak. Another good one is lateral lunges, put the bar on your shoulders, and extend one leg out to the side like a stride keeping the other leg under your body. Return extended leg. Alternate legs.

He's not a gym teacher, just knows how to train. Not too complicated. :D

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