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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thornton'sNEW Skates. . .

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I was watching TSN last night and it looked like Joe T was wearing an easton skate. Did anyone else catch this? I thought he was a rbk-ccm guy.


mario wore CCM gloves when he was with Nike

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I was watching TSN last night and it looked like Joe T was wearing an easton skate. Did anyone else catch this? I thought he was a rbk-ccm guy.


mario wore CCM gloves when he was with Nike

I wonder if Mario's going to be in TPS this year.

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Didn't he start out with TPS? Back when Allison was with them also? Maybe his contract is up. I also remember a couple of years ago he used an UL and was quoted in THN about using Easton skates. :angry:

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Didn't he start out with TPS? Back when Allison was with them also? Maybe his contract is up. I also remember a couple of years ago he used an UL and was quoted in THN about using Easton skates. :huh:

I don't know if he was an official TPS guy, but his pants gloves and stick were all TPS back in his rookie or sophomore seasons (one of those, I have a picture...).

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I was watching TSN last night and it looked like Joe T was wearing an easton skate. Did anyone else catch this? I thought he was a rbk-ccm guy.


mario wore CCM gloves when he was with Nike

I wonder if Mario's going to be in TPS this year.

Good call. It finally hit me and I was wondering about that yesterday.

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