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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm sizing

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Hi there,

i could get a pair of CCM Protacks 2004 for a very nice price.

There is just 1 question.

Do they fit like the 2005 Tacks (692) ?

In my 692 i need a 7.5E, will the 2004 Protacks fit the same ? Cause i can get them in the exact same size.

I cant try em on, thats a pity.

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They will be the same size but they may feel alittle different my opinion is that go find a store that has the same tacks that u want to buy and try them on and see how you like them then u could buy them on the online website which i bet your geting them off hockey monkey cause i did the same thing at the being of the summer..................

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my opinion is that go find a store that has the same tacks that u want to buy and try them on and see how you like them then u could buy them on the online website


are you for real?

That's a real scumbag move in my opinion, unless you are paying a fitting charge at your LHS for spending the time with you so that you can get a good fit from an online discount site.

Does that seem fair to you?


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Alot of times you can smell those types a mile away. I like to ask them "Are you ready to buy today?" When the guy stutters and bs's then I ask him to just come back when he's ready so I don't waste his time and he doesn't waste mine. Nine times out of ten they know they've been nailed. It is a bs move to waste the guys time at the LHS for fitting just to buy on HockeyMonkey. My favorite is a few months ago when a guy called me at the shop to tell me that CCM said I would return his defective shoulder pads and shin pads at no charge. Then he mentioned the pads were 862 SMU from hockeygiant. I told him his business was with hockeygiant, not me. I would return them for a fee including shipping back to CCM. He gave me some line and and I said my time is your money. Sorry, boys, this is metro NYC. Frankly, we don't take any bs because we have heard it all before. Before everyone thinks I'm a prick, if you buy from my shop, I will service your product sale and make things right if there is a problem. However, if you buy on the internet, please take your problems back to hockey....com, not your LHS.

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I had something like that happen to me but the guy bought the pants on ebay and still thought I would still send them back to the manufacturer (gear).

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Why don't people get it, LHS's are not showrooms for the" isellhockey equipmentoutof mygarage.com" sites. There's a reason these sites can give you a good deal, they don't have to take the time to fit you, they don't have to heat/cool their warehouse so you'll be comfy while shopping, they don't have to pay high retail rent or have salespeople, or pay for snowplowing in parking lots or steam cleaning carpets. They don't have to sharpen, heat mold, etc, either. The list goes on. It's not cheap to run a LHS.

I have a guy coming in this moring to heat mold and sharpen skates he bought for his kid online. He's not going to get my services for free, I can tell you that. I'm sure he'll end up paying more than if he bought them here. No warranty service either. I refuse to do that. No receipt, no service.

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I'm with you 100%. Now when this guy or the next guy gives you the line "but I buy everything else from you, why are you charging me for this skate baking, 1st time sharpening fee,etc.", your answer to him is "I'll tell you what. Tomorrow around lunchtime, when you are at home, make yourself a sandwich with no mustard or lettuce. Then go down to your local favorite deli and ask him to put on the mustard or lettuce for free! Let me know what his answer is."

I have a very old saying from decades of retail in sporting goods- "You can piss on my back, just don't tell me its raining out!"

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The 692s were just fine, i just bought them a 1/2 size too smal..

In the store they were ok but then they were kinda unconfortable, i just dont know why.

at the moment i got the 692s on ebay and when i sold them, ill buy the 692 again just in 7.5 instead of 7 !

I just had the opportunity to get 04 protacks for a very neat price.

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I'm with you 100%. Now when this guy or the next guy gives you the line "but I buy everything else from you, why are you charging me for this skate baking, 1st time sharpening fee,etc.", your answer to him is "I'll tell you what. Tomorrow around lunchtime, when you are at home, make yourself a sandwich with no mustard or lettuce. Then go down to your local favorite deli and ask him to put on the mustard or lettuce for free! Let me know what his answer is."

I have a very old saying from decades of retail in sporting goods- "You can piss on my back, just don't tell me its raining out!"

hehe, nice. I'll have to use that one.

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For you guys who work in or own LHS:

Your frustrations with online sellers is very understandable. But what do you think about customers who must use them because there isn't a LHS anywhere near them, or better yet, a customer who wants a product you don't have or can't get?

I was custom fitted for the latest pair of Grafs that I got, but previously I would have to have my Grafs shipped in due to the pathetic assortment the LHS carried. Granted, all baking, sharpening and adjustments were done by the equipment manager and not a hockey shop that would have sold me the same product for a higher price.

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If you attempt to go through your store, haven't dicked around with them, and don't mind paying for what needs to be done first sharpening, etc.. I don't see a problem. As an employee it bothered me being dicked around a bit, then seeing guys run out to another store although we said we could get the same pair for the same price, but handle the sharpening better. Instead a handful of customers would go to a bigger store here, buy them, and refuse to have them sharpen them, run across the street and get us to do the work. It confused me.

As a Consumer, I've always offered to purchase at my LHS, I've asked them to order in a few skates and I give them first crack at it. Hopefully they don't try to screw you over, which may happen.

If there isn't an LHS around, then there isn't alot you can do, allow them to try and coem close, tell them you have seen them on-line for X amount, but understand it is more costly to run an LHS and ask them for their best price.

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I have three LHS and between the three of them, they maybe have 2 pairs of skates in my size, and maybe carry a total of three brands of skates. If I want a pair of Mission skates, why would I have my LHS order them for me instead of doing it myself? I just wonder how many customers LHS loses because they think they are being dicked with when they really aren't.

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If I want a pair of Mission skates, why would I have my LHS order them for me instead of doing it myself? I

Who will heat mold them? Fix up the on-liners poor first sharpening? Who do you go to when you need them sharpened? Who will you take them too if the rivots fall out? Just a touch up before a game? What it hurt to call? Worst case scenario you say, I'm sorry, I can't pay over X amount for them, but would love to give you my buisness, is there anything I can do?

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If I want a pair of Mission skates, why would I have my LHS order them for me instead of doing it myself?  I

Who will heat mold them? Fix up the on-liners poor first sharpening? Who do you go to when you need them sharpened? Who will you take them too if the rivots fall out? Just a touch up before a game? What it hurt to call? Worst case scenario you say, I'm sorry, I can't pay over X amount for them, but would love to give you my buisness, is there anything I can do?

Add to that the fact the online dealer can't sell them for less than your LHS with any Mission product.

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If you look at the S500s, they have one size and the S400s are in limited sizes as well. Looks like they're blowing them out before anyone else does.

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A shop owner explained his lament of guys trying on skates at his shop, then buying online this way:

First, the difference in price is not as great as it might seem, since he offers free rockering and 10 free sharpenings. That's $40 to $50 right there. But more importantly, he said who's going to do the quick sharpening twenty minutes before the game if he's out of business?

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