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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SP 100 synergy pattern?

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I'm looking at buying a cheap synergy online, but the pattern is labeled "SP 100" and there's no good pictures of the curve. I'm assuming the 100 is just the flex, so what does SP stand for, something pro? Anyways, if anyone here knows what that pattern is and what it's comparable too, I'd appreciate the insight.

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Longer than his retail, more of a toe curve. Other than that, its very similar.

Search P119 in here and the sell forum. I had pictures up once, I am sure of it. I also think Buzz was going to get some custom R+ made from the curve, I think he threw up pics as well.

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You sure thats not a sakic retail pro stock.It doesnt say anything in the nameplate and it looks exactly like the retail curve too me.

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