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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what stick is this?

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Nah i think it got 2 :P

DeI is right.. It has got 3 but the third X fades with the black making it barely visable.. :)

Conclusion - Vapor XXX Custom USA.

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what stick is this?

Is this the same stick?  The stick that the USA guy has.  Cause I think this one is definately a Stealth.

Ummmmm, because it is a Stealth.

Don't be a douche bag man...just asking. I've never seen a stealth like that before. I did see the other was a vapor after this post.

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what stick is this?

Is this the same stick?  The stick that the USA guy has.  Cause I think this one is definately a Stealth.

Ummmmm, because it is a Stealth.

Don't be a douche bag man...just asking. I've never seen a stealth like that before. I did see the other was a vapor after this post.

Never seen a Stealth that was black fading into silver? Interesting, since that is the design for the regular Stealth.

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That looks more black to white to me. I have a regular stealth. And the silver looked darker than that.

You probably have one of the earlier Stealths. IIRC, the silver colour was more of a pewter shade.

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That looks more black to white to me. I have a regular stealth.  And the silver looked darker than that.

You probably have one of the earlier Stealths. IIRC, the silver colour was more of a pewter shade.

Yeah. I took the first one that came into my shop...I haven't ordered any others since. The kids like them but they break so much and then the parents complain. They sold really well, but weren't worth the headache.

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Yes they are for me, But i dont think thats a stealth, It looks like an SL or ST.

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I searched for the pics on Getty and found them. I think it's that Sweden Synergy ST that people were talking about.

EDIT: BTW What's that neon green thing in the second picture with the Nike gloves?

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Steve Downie at the team Canada WJC team was using the Canadian Vapor XX. It looked sick.

And today at Rockets rookie camp I played against a kid with a USA Vapor XX.

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Yes they are for me, But i dont think thats a stealth, It looks like an SL or ST.

I'm pretty sure the Sweden kids stick is a Synergy ST, based on reading the graphics. <_<

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Yes they are for me, But i dont think thats a stealth, It looks like an SL or ST.

I'm pretty sure the Sweden kids stick is a Synergy ST, based on reading the graphics. <_<

It also looks like an SL...

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Yes they are for me, But i dont think thats a stealth, It looks like an SL or ST.

I'm pretty sure the Sweden kids stick is a Synergy ST, based on reading the graphics. <_<

It also looks like an SL...

Look closely, you can see "Synergy ST" on the stick. The crossing line on the letter after the "S" is too high to be an "L" so it must be a "T".

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