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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pants Question

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I'm in the market for some new pants, my pants now are practically murdering my tailbone everytime i fall down. So I'm looking for something in the $140 CDN price range that has good mobility, not too heavy, good protection and something that won't give me that painful rush everytime I get tripped up on my butt. I'm considering the Quest 2's because of all of the positive feedback I've heard from people and from people on this board. Also how do the Bauer 6000's stack up to the Q2s? My LHS also has Pro Tack pants for $130. I know the M1 is a tank that goes for $80.. So out of the Q2, Pro Tacks, M1 and 6000's, which would you guys recommend?


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I have the Pro tacks and they have lots of protection. Only downside I found was they are a bit bulky. I've never had Bauer pants so I wouldn't know about those. Also the M1 is a great pant for the money.

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missions L5 are really nice. i just got some a few days ago. i havent used them yet but they arnt bulky at all and they are extreamly well padded.

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missions L5 are really nice. i just got some a few days ago. i havent used them yet but they arnt bulky at all and they are extreamly well padded.

unfortunately at my work we don't have the L5's so basically I'm considering the ones that I mentioned earlier.

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The Quest 2/6000 pant are quality for their price.. Light, durable, sturdy without sacrificing movement and mobility and indeed have excellent protection.. Took a few skates to break in, after that, they feel great and nice and light.. They are also quite aesthetically pleasing..

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The Quest 2/6000 pant are quality for their price.. Light, durable, sturdy without sacrificing movement and mobility and indeed have excellent protection.. Took a few skates to break in, after that, they feel great and nice and light.. They are also quite aesthetically pleasing..

I never liked the thinner leg and lack of zipper on the Q2. I've had a couple pair of Nikes sitting on the rack since last year, meanwhile I sold a ton of Mission M1, M2, L5 and L3.

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The Quest 2/6000 pant are quality for their price.. Light, durable, sturdy without sacrificing movement and mobility and indeed have excellent protection.. Took a few skates to break in, after that, they feel great and nice and light.. They are also quite aesthetically pleasing..

I never liked the thinner leg and lack of zipper on the Q2. I've had a couple pair of Nikes sitting on the rack since last year, meanwhile I sold a ton of Mission M1, M2, L5 and L3.

True, i don't mind the thinner leg but the no show zipper was a let down..

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I've got Bauer 6000s, and must say that they are extremely protective and comfortable. They're also generally easy on the wallet.

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I was having the exact same problem a couple months ago and I got the Itech 8000 I haven't fallen on my tailbone since I've used them but they seem to have excellent protection in that area.

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Im a big fan of the Vapor pants. Lots of protection yet very light. I currently use Vapor 6.

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From what I can tell, our Protector Lites have among the lowest tailbone protection. They might be a touch bulky for beer league, but I find unzipping the inner legs provides ample mobility. 4-way stretch crotch. Mesh areas for airflow. Anti-bacterial lining.

I'm just guessing, but their MSRP is probably around $120 Cdn.

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so then to the owners of 6000s and Q2s, would you say the Q2 is more mobile or the 6000?

I would go as far as to say that the Bauer 6000 and Nike Quest 2 are an identical pant in terms of shape and fit, just different branding and logos.. I own the quest 2's, when in my LHS trying on both, they were almost identical in feel.. I chose the Nikes because i liked the look of there spine protector, which indeed is a great feature, IMO.. + I like to tuck my jersey in at the back and it looks good too..

But, if your buying from your LHS, try both on, just so you can choose which ones you personally like better.. :)

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so then to the owners of 6000s and Q2s, would you say the Q2 is more mobile or the 6000?

I would go as far as to say that the Bauer 6000 and Nike Quest 2 are an identical pant in terms of shape and fit, just different branding and logos.. I own the quest 2's and when in my LHS trying both on, they were almost identical in feel.. I chose the Nikes because i liked the look of there spine protector, which indeed is a great feature IMO.. + I like to tuck my jersey in at the back and it looks fair good too..

But, if your buying from your LHS, try both on, just so you can choose on which ones you personally like better.. :)



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