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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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sorry to ask this because i remember reading it somewhere earlier in this thread, but i couldn't find it again.

what were some of the alternative free programs to photoshop you guys were talking about? Thanks

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sorry akhockey17 i have stole your idea cant have you canadian and us guys having custom patriotic boots and not us uk guys



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can someone do a sherwood sop stick all black with orange writting and lime green outline.

and the same all black with baby blue lettering and red outline.


I think you may have just designed Warrior's "New" stick for '08 :D

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please im begging you stealth skates with black holders


ive tried 5 times and it looks terrible

just so you know, the new Easton S15 skates for 2007 have the label "STEALTH" on them. Changing the holders to black is then just a simple edit. i know icewarehouse.com has them with a decent pic as well.

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terrible, i know but hey

now they are stealthy

I think it would look better in person with black laces but the XXXX are still the hottest with black holders and laces.

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How bout an obviously over-stylized "FIRE" Vector 10.0. haha i had to laugh just making this...


i bet ghost rider would wear these :D

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How bout an obviously over-stylized "FIRE" Vector 10.0. haha i had to laugh just making this...


i bet ghost rider would wear these :D

No no, I am the Ghost Skater.

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ain't nothin can compare to fresh crispy white pairr....


those look pretty good...could you do the same except with a white holder

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